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They arrive at the airport. The strip was silent and empty, they quickly make their way to the freeway, which was filled with abandoned cars and occasional dead bodies laying around. "Two-man teams spread out," Stone says as they crouch down and enter downtown.

"Stone, heat signatures up ahead." She nods, "humans," Amoura responds as someone comes from above, Stone pulls out a dagger and kills the human before he can shoot Williams. "Stay sharp Williams."

"Yes, yes." He responds as they continue down the street. "I'm going to let them shoot you next time." Amoura mutters as they keep going.

A car rushes in and swerves and crashes, "Stone!" Amoura jumped away seconds before th car could hit her.

Once she's at a good three feet from the car she calls out and tells them she's going to investigate the car.

Three humans fall out the broken car, as she approaches the car, "are you all right?" The humans pull out weapons and rushes toward Amoura. Before the humans can shoot, they are killed.

"S.L. Stone? Williams?" We look towards the voices and see two S.L's walking up.

"Your unit made it across, but you two didn't. Came to check up on you. Come on our camp is this way. Took over a hotel downtown," another units S.L speaks up.

They walk into the hotel and notice the lobby has become supplies jungle, the restaurant at the back is the new cafeteria, the dining area os made of makeshift tables and chairs for the real tables were used to barrackaid the windows and doors.

"The ballroom to the left is the medic room and the other ball room was turned into an O.R for emergency injuries. The rooms on the third room can be used for your teams. Cole and Brent can show your sharpshooters the vantage points."

Stone sends recruits Hendy and Stark with S.L Labs and Doe's men while Stone gets the rest of her men settled on the third floor. Stone walks around and catches human scents so she follows it.

She walks into the indoor pool that has been drained and filled with humans in sleeping bags, "just the ones we were able to rescue when we arrived." Lab walks up to her.

"What about the supernaturals?" Amoura asks as she looks after the faint scent of vampire.

"Second floor, we thought it was best to separate them, though many of the ones we helped took the plane to base to enlist, those that survived the riots and witch hunt are probably hiding away. We'd do more but we are low on supplies and men."

Amoura looks at him, "there was supply crates by the high way." Lab nods.

"We know but we haven't been able to make it that far. We keep getting hit, I'm surprised your men made it here."

"It was clear when we arrived," Amoura sighs and tells him their mission is to help civilians.

"That's great and all but we're at max capacity and the humans can already be out there planning another ambush, how do you think we're so low on men?"

"Well if we can't go back to the freeway we'll sweep the rest of downtown. You're in need of those supplies," Amoura sets her mind on her next move.

"My unit will go out there and Williams will be watch, those supplies are priority."

Lab looks at her, she's not going to back down, "I can supply some men, but we can't leave the base weak in case something happens," Stone agrees and she calls out to Williams.

"Stay behind with Hendy and Stark, head to the rooftops. I'll take more than half of our men." Williams gives her a side look as he faces the hotel lobby.

"Stone you notice it too," Amoura nods, where the hell is their Captain?

Stone heads out with her unit and eight of Labs and Doe's who lead the way in the military jeeps. Halfway across town Stone switches to her wolf eyes and notices heat signatures on the roofs.

"On the roofs! Spread out!" Before the Jeeps can get to cover they are hit and Stones jeep flips and goes sliding across the street as Stone flies out the window and into a storefront.

Stone forces herself off the glass and bricks and heads to the back to take down those on the rooftops. She uses a dead man's gun and kills the rest of the humans,

"Are we clear?!" A bullet goes through Amoura's right shoulder and comes out her left shoulder. She hits the floor as she breathes through the pain as she starts healing.

"S.L Stone!"

"I'm fine," She sits up and jumps onto the street after one of Labs men shoots the human that shot her.

Stone hot wires five four by four trucks, and takes a moment to thank her rebellious stage. They head to the supplies and after inspecting the supplies they return to base. Stone updates Lab and Doe before excusing herself for a shower.

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