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The Commanders all gather around as Johnson fills them in on Amoura's well being. "So what do we do now? We can't just let  her go on when the person responsible is here." Volkov comments, "I don't like the woman but leaving her vulnerable to another attack isn't something I'm comfortable with." Sollov speaks up, "we're not going to leave her on her own. She'll stay here in the hospital for a while and when she isn't on duty she's with her husband."

They look at each other before walking into Amoura's room, inside Clive was sitting on the bed with her with Row, Coon and Williams were on the other seating areas laughing about something Coon said.

"Can you all give us a minute." Commander Johnson asks and they nod, "Clive can you bring me clothes, I still hate hospital gowns." Clive nods and walks out.

"Well Commander Stone, it's good to see you're okay. Not going to lie none of us thought you'd make it." Amoura smiles, "I've healed from worse. My husband knew so it's a good thing he fought for me." They nod as they sit down.

Amoura speaks up first, "what happened that day?" They explain the events of that day to Amoura. "I was looking for someone? Who?" Amoura looks up, "you were looking for me. Coincidentally I'm the one who found you."

"I made plans. Where are they? I made plans to help find the mole. What happened to them?" Amoura asks as she plays with her hands, trying to visualize the plans.

"We threw them. They were seen through so we tossed them in fear that they had all been compromised." Amoura stares at her hands as she moves imaginary paper, "whose plans were seen through?" She stops moving her hands and looks up.

"Mine." Rory speaks up, "only yours?" Rory nods, "why only yours? If they were the same plans why was only yours seen through?"

"How the hell should I know? Maybe the mole is trying to take me out?" Amoura uncertainty fades, "or you are the mole." Rory growls at her, "why would I take out my own unit. No one is stupid enough to take out their own men."

"Not unless you didn't know your plan differed from the others. Why else would you be so okay with tossing good plans?" Amoura asks as she looks at him. "The unit I lost that day was the unit I was placed in when I first entered the S.I.D.O if I had been the mole I wouldn't sacrifice such a sentimental team."

"Unless you were trying to remove your weaknesses from play." Amoura counters, "will you stop trying to make me the bad guy?! My unit is gone, I'm down a large number of men if I was the traitor I'd take men from other units. I'd keep me on the powerful side of the spectrum."

"Enough Stone. He has a point." Amoura stares at Rory unconvinced, she's starting to see Clive's reasoning for not trusting Rory. "While you were out of commission Stone we were winning. How are we certain you're not the mole?" Rory asks her.

"Following your line of thinking, say I was the mole, and the reason I was shot ten times was because one of you all found out. how come the person who figured it out come forward admitting to taking said mole down?" Amoura replies calmly.

Amoura stands up, "but you're right about one thing, my absents has caused a shift on the tables so I'm going to take a step back and focus on training the Stealth units if you all still want your men trained?" Amoura asks and they nod.

Amoura watches them walk out but Commander Johnson stays behind, "what gives Stone? You're backing down?" Amoura stops and looks at him, "the leak knows I know who they are, I do not remember their face but I know who they are. They're laying low right now because they know when they strike I'll know who it is. If I stay away they won't reveal themselves because they want me to be the patsy. As long as I'm the patsy they stay hidden, no more casualties like this. End this war before they get confident again and destroy our men."

The next five months go on without an ambush, units are still being wiped out but not because of leaked information, but from other causes, the Commander's can't figure out. Amoura trains groups of troops for Stealth units and they succeed in their missions so it evens out the loses on both sides. "Stone." Coon walks into the training ground.

Amoura watches Coon walk up to her. "Why are you still sitting out?" Coon sits down across from her to make direct eye contact. "Our men will find something incriminating about the traitor and he'll want to stop it. He'll sabotage the plan any way possible to keep himself safe." Coon looks at Amoura as she get's up and walks over to the weapons, "freeing you of all accusations."

"Also bringing us one step closer to finding out who the leak is. I know what I'm doing Coon." He gets up and walks away, "its terrifying how much control you still have despite being on the back burner."

"I put myself here Coon." Amoura sits back down and finishes sharpening the tools.

Just like Amoura predicted three days later a large front unit was eliminated, with no survivors. "Coming along for old time sake Stone?" Amoura watches Granger pack up, and sighs. "Yeah, I could use a stress relief." Amoura stocks up on weapons.

"Taking back your post Commander?" Captain Grand asks Amoura, she smiles and replies 'not exactly.' Amoura gets into a vehicle and within minutes they take off.

The truck phone blinks letting them know someone is calling, "it's for you Commander." Amoura takes the phone from the front passenger, "hello?"

"Stone where the hell are you?" Johnson speaks up, "normally I'd lie and say the training room but considering I'm answering a call from inside a moving vehicle I'm guessing you won't buy that."

"Stone its one thing to leave command it's another to go out on the battlefield." Commander Johnson growls into the phone, Amoura sighs as she visualizes his scrawl. "You're going to get wrinkles with all that scrawling, besides to me it's not any different. I've always done better first hand than sitting back and watching anyway. I'm hanging up now, I'll let you know what I find out."

"Stone the base you all plan on hitting is fully armed! You don't even know the strategy." Amoura smiles, "I wouldn't follow it even if I did know it. My agenda is more than just striking this base down."

"Why is that?" Volkov speaks up then, "why is it that every other mission was an infiltration, but this is a pure destruction? What is exactly is here that needs to be kept hidden." The Commanders on the other side of the line stay quiet. "This base has more protection than the others." Rory speaks up, "not for long. I'm going to hang up this time."

They arrive forty miles from the base, "in this weather it's best if vampire's take the lead, with shifters in their second form behind, stay in small packs of the same species to pass off as wild animals. Everyone else follow a few miles behind." Amoura looks at Granger, her tactical view comes from him.

Amoura takes a gun and a silencer and puts it away, "alright General. I'm off." He looks at her and Amoura looks back to see Clive staring at her, she smiles at him before running off. Within an hour Amoura manages to sneak in. She quickly kills the guards in the towers and roof before taking down those on the ground. Amoura takes a key and uniform from a dead guard and makes her way inside.

She finds a security room, kills the guards and shuts down the camera's, opens all doors and the electricity follows the shutdown. Amoura makes her way around the building taking down any and all humans she comes in contact with.

Amoura was on her way to the second floor when the basement doors covered in 'Authorized Personnel Only' catches her eye. She makes her way inside and finds beds full of supernatural creatures. "These are all S.I.D.O members. Not only did they give up confidential information, they gave up our own men." Amoura walks over to a P.C and regrets shutting off the power. "Damn!"

Amoura continues on her pursuit upstairs. After another hour she finishes clearing out the building, Granger's unit breaks into the building.

"Granger." He turns to look at Amoura coming down the stairs, "find anything?" She nods and tells him what she needs. Within minutes his men have the power back on and are sending all the information to the Commanders. "General with your permission I'd like to contaminate this information." S.L Hernandez explains how he can destroy the human's intel.

"One more thing, before we go. Burn their bodies, they don't deserve an end like this." By morning the S.I.D.O members burned all those who were used as experiments and leave as the base goes up in flames.

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