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Hurricane by Fleurie

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Amoura wakes up in a metal bondage that crosses her legs and binds her arms behind her. All the blood, dried and fresh is all hers, the pieces of flesh are hers too. It's been such constant pain shes lost track of time, all she sees is darkness and the man who enjoys cutting away at her body.

Unknown to her she's been trapped in a dark room for eight months now. The same General who found her in the restaurant rubble walks in to examine her state of mind, he has to get to her just in the right mental frame, after she's been broken, but before she spirals into insanity.

He throws water on her, "come on I expect more from you Amoura." He circles her levitate body that is still trapped in the silver metal bondage that cuts into her skin. "Aren't you tired of pain? Aren't you tired of losing pieces of yourself? Aren't you tired of the darkness? Don't tell me you're not tired of it all?"

He pauses as he stops walking, "I can make this all go away, I can help you if you just listen to me." Amoura who spends the time staring at the ground trying to keep her sanity, when she starts doubting her need to fight does the desire to feel nothing take over. Each time she fights it the more he celebrates, Amoura is becoming what he wants her too and he's letting her believe its all of her own free will.

"No? Well, Amoura its been eight months since you first arrived in my dark room. Eight months, do you understand, that means you have gone eight months without seeing the full moon, without feeling the pull, the desire to shift." He walks to the outer wall of his metal compound and opens a metal latch and reveals the outside.

"Eight months without shifting, so imagine the need to shift when you come across the full moon," She smiles as he turns her around. "Let me let you in on a secret, this moon is a blue moon. You, a wolf who hasn't seen a full moon in months will not be able to resist this one. At all." He makes his way to the door before stopping, "oh and don't worry I'm giving you another bag full of enhancement. So this won't kill you." The enhancement General Alzack refers to is the liquid fire that burns away her insides and regenerates everything, running through her veins and becoming apart of her immune system will keep Amoura's healing at an accelerated rate. Wounds that would take hours or even days will now heal in minutes.

Amoura listens to his words but still holds onto the hope that it will, she's tired of living this way. She watches the moon rise as her body begins to throb, for the first time in weeks Amoura felt pain, she felt her bones snapping, tearing through her skin to get through, the enhancer running through her system would heal everything only for it to break again.

Amoura falls back to the dark hole once more and begins to question why she's holding on for? Isn't it better to feel nothing at all? Isn't it better to try and let herself die on the inside if it means the pain can stop? Would she not be here tearing herself apart trying to shift in a metal body cage if she'd just given up? Is it so wrong not to want to be in pain?

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