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Layla was pacing the living room as the phone call goes straight to voice mail, "Layla you're overreacting, Amoura was home for a year and you got comfortable, she'll call when she has time," Layla stops and looks at Sirius.

"It's been a week Sirius. Amoura wouldn't make me wait a whole week to call. She would have someone call for her. She is a Commander you know," Layla hangs up the phone.

"Exactly she's a Commander, and she wouldn't be one if she didn't have a brain to think through any situation. Clive would have called if something bad happened," He walks up to his mate and squeezes her tense shoulders. 

"Amoura is probably buried under a pile of maps in some office, just calm down. I know Mirai's nightmares are getting to you too, but they're just bad dreams, her parents are in a war, its only natural for her to be scared," Sirius tries to reassure her.

The phone rings, "see look its a call from Russia you can get mad at our irresponsible daughter now," Layla nods as she sighs in relief.

"Go get the girls," Sirius nods as Layla answers.

"Mrs. Stone," Layla is taken back.

"Clive?" Sirius stops walking when she hears her wife speak.

"Where's that child of mine I've been calling her all week," Clive apologizes and tells her it has been hectic the last few days.

"That's what Sirius said, so are you going to pass me to Amoura?" Clive stays silent for a few moments.

"Clive?" His silence filled Layla with dread, she never should have let Amoura get on her plane. 

"Amoura's plane was shot down while in flight half the plane was missing when it crashed, the last week Commander Rory had search parties find all the parts of the plane in hopes of finding Amoura. They found a female body but its to badly burned to tell who it is, but they were wearing a Commander Uniform," Clive speaks solemnly.

Layla falls to the floor, as tears fall free, "Layla!" Sirius bolts forward as Layla goes quiet. He takes the phone and asks Clive what is going on.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stone," Clive speaks quietly after letting him know Amoura has been declared dead.

"It was her uniform," Clive mutters brokenly.

Layla was bawling as Clive once again apologizes, "I have to go, how much I wish I could tell my daughters, I can't do it over the phone, I'll return as soon as they release the remains, can you all please tell them for me," Clive hangs up before they could respond.

He stays in the chair, resting his head on his hands, this time it's real. This time Amoura isn't coming back.

"Clive they're calling all the Generals," Granger walks into the calling center, Clive nods and gets up, his eyes aren't the only vacant thing, his whole body has given up on life, he was wilted and his sun has gone away. He stance is slouchy and his walk is clumpy, the confident man he was is gone.

"General's who no longer have Commanders will be under my command until the new Commander's and their units arrive on base, once they do you all will be joining a Commander's already existing units. That is all, I know we have suffered a great loss but we can still recover from this and we will, we will not let the humans get the better of us." Commander Rory dismisses them.

"Clive wait," Granger stops him outside.

"The man stands up there as if he's been on our side this whole time. Amoura knew not to trust him and it got her killed," Clive stares at the fountain, the bullet holes were still there.

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