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Stone was hooked up to a life supporter as Sirius demands they keep her alive until Stone heals herself, "how are you so sure she'll come back?" General Granger asks Sirius.

Granger looks at Stone, "because as much as she dislikes Heminsworth she doesn't want to die." Sirius resumes his pace. Granger turns his gaze to Sirius, "are you sure about that?"

Outside the room, William was pacing around as Row and Coon stare at Stone through the window. "I don't get it, why is this happening to her?" Coon sighs, "maybe its her healing, maybe its failing and causing her health to decline?" Coon comments not sure on how much to say.

"Why would it be her healing? Why do you say that?" Coon ignores Williams and walks in, "its because of him isn't? He's dying and he's taking her with him?" Coon asks Stone's father who was walking out.

"You know about Heminsworth?" Coon nods, "vaguely she told me some, mainly that she hoped she was wrong about it being thanks to him she's alive."

Sirius sighs, "it is because of him. If he dies Amoura will stop healing completely and eventually die. Which is why I need her alive, maybe her living will keep him alive. Maybe then he can heal and save them both."

"Wait who are you all talking about?" Williams asks and General Granger gives Williams the side-eye as if telling him to stay quiet. "My daughters mate," Sirius words leaves Williams flabbergasted.

"What?" He grows confused, "is this why she was never into me?" Williams questions himself as he rethinks every moment of him and Stone.

"No you're just not her type." Coon comments to Williams before asking Sirius if waiting is all they can do.

"Yes, until my mate can find Heminsworth this is all we can do. I know I wish I could do more." A knock on the door snaps their attention away from Stone.

"Mr. Stone this is General McAllister he is a reaper I've asked him to come to see if Stone has a conscious. Maybe the two of them can connect and Stone can convince Heminsworth to heal." Sirius nods and they shake hands.

Granger looks at McAllister who nods at him and walks up to Stone, he places a hand on her forehead and inserts his own magic into her hoping to jolt her subconscious awake. "It might take some time for this to work. Excuse me."

"You alright McAllister?" Granger asks as McAllister heads for the door, "yes. Just a little tired. Excuse me." He closes the door behind him, "Stone please."

'Stone please.' Amoura looks around the darkness for the face behind the voice, "McAllister." She mutters as she looks around, a thin red thread fills the darkness. She decides to follow it since there's nothing else around.

"Heminsworth?" She finds her mate sitting in the dark, "Amoura?" She sees the look in his eyes and its as if she's ten all over again.

"Why am I here? Why are you here?" She asks him, "don't you know? Can't you feel it?" He asks as the darkness fades and another Heminsworth comes to view behind her, "you're dead." He nods at her, "you didn't heal?"

"They hurt me more than I could heal." She looks at her hands, "so heal faster." Stone mutters, "what?"

She looks at him, "if you die I die. You can't just sit here and give up, you need to fight it and heal." He looks at her, "if I take healing from you you'll die."

"And if you don't I still die at least this way there's a chance I'll live, so take back what's yours and heal." He looks at her and she growls.

Stone takes his hands, "I am not ready to die. So take it," he squeezes her hands and leans against her, "you haven't changed," air slips out of her, "I'm sorry Amoura."

Stone falls forward as she sees a passed out Heminsworth laying dead on the floor gasping for air, "it worked."

Stone looks behind her, her father was panicking as her health declines,

"You need to want to heal. Amoura you need to heal." Heminsworth speaks up, from the outside as she hugs herself, "why? I'm okay here. Maybe it's best if I do die, I think this might be the only way now, considering you're alive now and my healing is in another level." Stone stays in the darkness as Heminsworth tries and fails to reach her.

Stone please come back.  Amoura looks up when she hears McAllister's voice, "Clive," come on come back, please come back. "Clive?" Amoura come back.

Stone reaches out to the voice, "Clive."

"Clive?" She stares at nothing as his pleads seep through his voice. "Clive?" Stone turns around, "I need to get back, how do I get back?" She turns back around, "Clive? I'm causing him to suffer, how do I get back?" Stone panics that maybe this time death is permanent. "I have to get back. How do I get back?"

"Heal. I know I need to heal but I don't know how." Stone starts to panic, "no it can't be that easy, it's never that easy. Clive. I need to find Clive." A small blue light fills the distant, "Clive?" She stares at it as it glows, "I hope this isn't the light at the end of the tunnel." Stone mutters as she gets closer, "Clive." She breathes.

Granger smiles, he was right on the money, "Amoura!" Sirius walks up to her, "where is he?" Stone asks, "Heminsworth is all right, if you're alive it means he's okay too." Granger gets closer to Sirius and tells him that's not who she's asking for.

Sirius pets Stone's hair, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, sweetheart. I'm so glad you're okay." Sirius squeezes her hand, "what are you doing here?" She sits up only to double over from the dizziness.

"I came to warn you about Heminsworth but when I arrived they were bringing you to the hospital for you had no heartbeat." Stone nods and she tells him she felt Heminsworth die. "He's alive now," Stone mutters as her father hugs her. "I'm so sorry for everything Amoura." She lets him hug her, she's missed her father. "I'm exhausted," Stone falls asleep in her father's arms.

Stone is kept in the hospital for another day for check-ups before being cleared for duty. Sirius stays with her to try and amend the broken bond between them,  first thing Stone asks is about the identity of her birth parents, "their names are Eliza and Laurence Avery, they belong to a very small pack. You had so many health issues they knew they couldn't help you the way you need to be helped so they gave you to us and they kept your sister."

Stone looks at him, "sister?" he nods, "you have a twin sister, her name is Alice. it's the main reason they had to give you up. Twins are forbidden among wolves." That night while her father slept Stone made her way around the base, hoping to catch a glimpse at Clive.

She didn't find him outside, but she did catch his heart beat as she made her way past the General barrack.

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