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 I open my eyes to the dim light of the dying fire. Hemsworth's body is right up against my back, one of his arms is under my head and the other is resting against my torso. I move and he holds me still. "You're awake," I say and I feel his head move until his lips are against my ear. "I've been awake for a while." He says as he lowers his lips and kissed my collarbone. "What happens now Heminsworth?" I ask in all seriousness. "We find a way to live, together. Because I'm never letting you go Amoura." He says as he grasps my hand and lightly squeezes it. "Together huh," I say to him as I tangle my fingers with his and he slowly turns my head to face him. "When I killed my father I ran over to stop you from leaving, but you were already gone, so I waited for you to return to tell you the truth, but you never came back. Your father later told me you willingly stayed in the military because you finally found where you belong." He says to me.

 "I'm not safe Heminsworth not only does the Council wants me dead. I'm certain those hunter attacks aren't random." I say and he looks at me. "Amoura-" he says "your father wants me dead Heminsworth, I'm pretty sure he'll try to kill Lisa too," I say and he kisses me. "We will stop him, he'll pay for hurting you and my mother." He says to me. "I don't want innocent people getting hurt over your father's revenge."

"You're still the same loving girl that leftover eleven years ago. The only difference is that she's guarded now." He says and I growl at him. "I'll break every wall you built."  "Some walls are there to protect others." He lowers my body down until my whole back was against the blanket on the floor, "I can fend for myself Amoura." His lips cover mine,  "No we can't, my body needs to recover from you, besides I want you to meet my daughters," I say to him and he nods. "You're not just saying that to get me to stop?" "Maybe, but are you willing to take that chance?" He growls, kisses me and helps me up. We walk back to my pack house in silence. 

"Lisa where are the girls?" "Getting dressed in their room." I rush upstairs as I leave Heminsworth with his mom. I take the girls to the study to introduce them to Heminsworth and finally take them to the water park since things got hectic yesterday. "Wanna join us May?" "I have school." "One day won't kill you, I'll write you an excuse," she thinks about it before caving and running up to change, the girls rush up after her. 

"What now?" "I'm just really glad you and my son made up." Heminsworth looks at Lisa from the small bench nook at the front of the kitchen. "How do you know we made up?" "Well you're covered in his scent for starters, secondly you're introducing the girls to Heminsworth. You guard those girls more than you guard yourself." I give her a look, "I know you too well Amoura," "I know it's annoying. Yes, we made up, is that what you want me to say." "Yes. Yes, it is." She smiles and I roll my eyes. 

"Since you're looking better than before, health-wise. I'm guessing you two mated." She trails off and I pause before answering. "Yes, not that he'd take no for an answer last night anyway. But your ungrateful little son marked me on my thigh. You know how uncomfortable that is?!" She starts laughing. "I noticed the mark on his arm." "Yeah, so all the woman in his pack can see he's mine." She smiles, "you love him." "He bugs me." "That's called love." "Really I thought I was annoyance." "You're just mad that he's bringing your soul back to life. You, my darling daughter, still love him." "Keep telling yourself that." "I will." "You two do realize I'm right here right."

"Heminsworth, you're a wolf, like my momma and me right?" Amari asks and he nods, "and Mirai." He comments, "no Mirai is a reaper like our dad." "What?" "They're two halves of a whole. It's the main reason why the Council can't complain because they aren't werewolf twins. Mirai is just like her father." "You fell in love with a reaper?" He asks me and I nod, "I did. Clive was something else. He just stood out to me." I say to him. 

"Hey, Amoura I thought we could spend the day together after school?" Sara says to me as she walks in. "I'm heading to the water park with the twins and May if you wanna tag along?" "Right now?" I nod and she breaks into a smile, "give me five minutes," she rushes upstairs.

We take a truck so we can all fit, once we get there we rent two large lockers before getting on any and all rides. The sun was setting when we leave the park, we stop at a burger joint to eat before calling it a night. 

I put the girls to bed before joining Heminsworth in the study. "They're a lot like you." "Mirai is a mini-me, but Amari she's more like Clive, but Mirai has these abilities that I don't know how to help her with and I don't know if she'll be able to deal with them. She has a handle on the physical ones but the mental ones, she wakes up from nightmares, because she has visions of events that happened during the war, I'm afraid she'll see something that will permanently traumatize her." "Have you thought about reaching out to reapers?" "I have but, there can be consequences to doing so. Reapers like Clive aren't exactly common. I'm afraid reaching out to a reaper will do more harm than good." He kisses my forehead, "you'll figure it out Amoura." The day ends with Heminsworth spending the night.

"Hey Sara, May you two ready to go?" I ask her as I walk downstairs the next day with Amari and Mirai ready to go. "Yeah, we are." I drive us into town in the vampire territory, I haven't been here since after my parents funeral, to thank them for the flowers. We shop for a few hours before getting a late lunch. We walk into Zaven's and I hand Mirai to Sara and I ask Xavier for a moment. "I'll be right back." I walk out and wait for him to join me. "Amoura." He leans against the light pole and I lean on the hood of my car. "I saw Alphonse a few years back." "How was he?" "I think he was a little lost after Alexanders death. I never got to say my regards about Alexander. All I ever did was send a bottle of wine every now and then. I'm sorry for your loss." I say to him. "You don't have anything to be sorry about, Alexander was killed by hunters." He says. "Yes hunters that were attacking my pack, your brother decided to help my pack because he was in love with me. I'm sorry."

"Amoura you have nothing to be sorry for. Alexander did what he thought was best for him. Can I ask why you were gone so long?" He asks "because I became something unrecognizable from who I used to be. I was afraid my parents wouldn't recognize me or worse they would grow to fear what I became." "You don't seem different." "It took me a while to get back a more humanized me and even now I'm nowhere close to who I was. Life is unfair sometimes." I say to him.

"Alpha there's rogue wolves in the territory and they're attacking the northern patrolling wolves." Mike my Delta, pack trainer and patrol leaders voice fills my head. "I have to go," I say to Xavier as I stand up. "May, Sara stay in town find Aries and ask her if you guys can stay with her until the rogue wolves are taken care of," I say specifically to my sisters. "To everyone else who isn't a fighter get all civilians underground. Fighters break into three groups and one group go straight for them and the other two flank them from the sides. Let's surround them. I want two men teams to go to Heminsworth and Langston's pack and warn them about the rogue wolves." I say walk to my car. "Amoura." I turn and I look at Xavier. "You're right life is unfair." He says and he shoots me squarely on the chest. "Kill them all," I say as I hit the floor.

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