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A woman screaming wakes me up, and I realize it's just a nightmare. I quickly hear two different voices talking that slowly drag me back to the surface. "Charge!"

Charge what? Then I felt it, the fire that runs through my chest causing my entire body to jump. I'm not dead, no need to jump start my heart. I wanted to growl at them in anger and tell them I'm not dead. I'm right here, I can hear them. Again they shoot electricity into me this time it stays longer.

I open my eyes as I feel the electricity course through my body for the third time but this time it makes its way to my bones. I growl as I see a female doctor with the paddles in hand. "I'm not dead," I growl at them and they stare at me in shock before snapping out of it and begin poking me with needles and trying to patch me up. "Don't bother I'm fine," I mumble as I get up. "You can't get up! You're badly wounded." She says and one of them pushes me back down. "I'm fine. I'm healing." I say, I look at the other doctor who pokes me with a needle and I starts to get drowsy.

I wake up with a headache and I quickly get up to remove the IVs, "don't do that, they're managing your pain," Heminsworth speaks up, "I don't need a pain manager, I'm almost done healing," his hand stops mine, "almost isn't the same as healed." I growl at him only for him to growl back.

"I'm fine," his grip tightens, "you almost died." I force my hand free, "I would have healed." I pull out the IV and get up, "you don't know that."

"Yes I do." I turn to glare at him as he asks how, "because I've died before and I've come back. Something like this won't kill me."

He stares at me, "what?" I ask annoyed, "we need to talk." He speaks firmly, "there's nothing you have to say that I want to hear."

"How about I love you, I have always loved." I look at him exhausted, "you don't hurt the people that you love," I reply, "no you protect them and that's what I did." He stares at me as I laugh, "protected me? Please, you have no idea what your actions did." I step away from him. "my father would have killed you if I had accepted you as my mate."

"Instead you sent me away to get killed, bloody brilliant Heminsworth." He stops me, "go to hell Heminsworth."

He stops me from leaving, "let me go." His grip tightens, "no," I shove him away, "I want nothing to do with you. I want you to leave me alone. I need you to stay away from me, seeing you gives me an uncontrollable desire to tear you to shreds, stay the hell away from me Heminsworth. I want nothing to do with you." I turn and open the door,

"Amoura I did what I had to to protect you and I always will," he forces the door closes, "no Heminsworth, I'm not the same weakiling from before, I'm not eight anymore. It took me two months to go from the worst to the best in my unit. Two months, yet you and my parents kept seeing me as the weak, fragile, useless little girl. You could have told me, taught me how to defend myself, I would have succeeded, instead, you all choose not to, you didn't trust me enough to save myself. Now everything is screwed up and I don't want to see you." I force the door open.

"Amoura I spent the last ten years in hell without you I'm not giving you up just like that." He yells, "you don't get to choose what happens next! You don't know what hell is! I know what hell is. Being at home conquering packs isn't hell!" I yell in anger, "you call marrying a man hell?" He looks at me as my blood boils. "Move. Move!" He steps back and I storm out.

He follows me out, "I am your soul mate, your other half." I stop and look at him, "that's the thing Heminsworth, I lost my soul a long time ago." I leave the door wide open as I walk out.

I return home and everyone stares at me as I walk in. "What's with the stares?" Aunt Wendy cries as she hugs me. "I can't breathe Aunt Wendy," I say to her but she wouldn't stop trembling. "What's wrong?" I ask as she steps back, "we thought you were dead. We found your car at the end of the territory. There was a hunters sigma on your car. We thought they killed you," she asks breathlessly. "I'm fine, I just needed time to heal." I say as I step away from her. She hugs me again. "Please stop hugging me." I mutter as she pulls away, "why?"

"Cause my chest is still healing," I say as I try to remove myself from her limbs, "your blood was everywhere, we thought you were dead." Lisa walks up to me and hugs me.

"I'm not dead, I'm fine," The pack doctor Jamie walks up to me and asks to give me a proper check-up.

"Where is she?" Chandler storms in, "what now?" I look up as Chandler storms in, "you can't pass me off as if I'm an unwanted assesit," I look at him, "I took you to Alice because I don't want a mate. She probably does. Go away Chandler you and I stand no chance."

"Because you won't give me one!" I look at him coldly, "and I never will." I walk out only to be greeted by Lisa and Aunt Wendy, "what?"

"We know you argued with Heminsworth," I sigh, "I'm going to find that damn bird and snap it's neck." I mutter as I grab a glass of wine before filling them in.

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