Getting Ready

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Tris's POV (Italics r Tris's thoughts)

"Hey Tris what r u wearing?" Christina says from across the room. "Umm...probably just leggings and a t-shirt?" I say slowly. I hear her groan and I say "Come on Tris, it's the 1st day of school, not a contest to see who cares less."
Christina always cares about appearances and fashion and ugh, I don't know how we're friends, I'm nothing like her. She's pretty and all the boys hit on her, they hit on me but...she actually likes them, I don't. She was always prettier than me, of course. I snap out of my trance and she says "Tris?" and I look at her and say "What?" she looks at me. She then says "I was asking, what ur doing with ur hair?" as I sigh and groan. "I don't care about my hair" I say and she says "Come here." "I will do ur hair and clothes" she says and I say "Really?" and she says "I know all the boys like u but just the 1st week of school?" she pleads. I nod as she squeals and drags me into the bathroom, I sigh as she sits me down in a chair. 10mins later.......
"Voilà, my creation" she says pointing to the mirror as I look at myself and gasp. I look beautiful, Chris always has a way with makeup and fashion. I don't know how I'm popular and all the guys like me. "So? Do u like?" she says pulling me out of my thoughts. I look at myself, I have a cat eye and a smokey eye and red lipstick, wow. "I look beautiful" I say breathless and she says "U gotta say yes to one of the guys at school, Logan, Brandon, Tyler, Xander, Cam." I sigh and say "Just because they all like me, doesn't mean I have to say yes to one of them" I say sighing. She rolls her eyes then says "U need clothes" and I sigh then say "We probably should've done that before makeup" I say. She nods then picks out, a red crop top and some black heels and black leggings. I sigh and change into it, Chris then does my hair, she braids it then places it to the side. "Just like Katniss" she says knowing that's one of the movies I like. I smile and say "thx" as she nods and I say "Let's get breakfast" but she stops me and says "I need clothes too." I laugh then say "Ok, then, go" she laughs then goes to her closet. We live together, roomies, we moved out last month, just because. Seconds later Chris comes out and I say "Ur fast" as she nods then says "Naturally" as I laugh. She's wearing a black cut out shirt and she has jeans and flats, her makeup is a simple cat eye and some brown lipstick. Her hair curled and she has a purse. She's so girly 24/7 and I'm not. We grab some breakfast then r outta the door, we take her red Toyota. Off to the 1st day of junior yr!

Hope ur liking, I'm finishing "SHEO (The Adventure)" and will update that one daily, maybe once or twice a day! That will be my 1st priority. I WILL update this one, but not that often. But when I finish my other one then this one will be my 1st priority! Bye y'all, love u 😘🤘🏻

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