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Tobias's POV

She's so fragile, it feels like if I let someone hurt her then she'll break, but she won't, she's brave and strong.

She's beautiful and I wouldn't let her get hurt. I need to protect her. "Did Chris or Scarlett do something?" I ask.

"No, I was waiting outside for them" she sniffs. She pulls back and starts walking to the living room.

"They can go home, we don't have to hang out with the gang" I tell Tris. "No, I want to" she says rubbing her eyes.

She walks into the living room. "I'm going to college" I hear her announce. I walk in stunned. "What?" I ask.

She turns around then replies "I have enough credits to go Four" she says excitedly. I'm happy for her but I'm not going.

"Tris that's great but I'm not going to college" I answer. She frowns then says "I thought you had more credits than me?" she asks worried.

"Even though we got out early, I have enough" she says. "I don't" I say. She hangs her head and sits down.

"Tris, you should still go" Christina pipes up. "Yea" Uriah follows up. "But I don't want to leave Four" I squeak.

"When are you going?" I ask. "Next month" she whispers. I freeze! Next month? "Next month?" I ask sad.

She nods and looks at me. "I'm sorry Four" she apologizes. "No, you should go to college" I reassure her.

"Is it close enough you can still live here?" I ask. "Yea" she answers. "Four, I have an important question to ask you."

"What?" I ask hopeful. "Guys, is it gonna be gross because you know we're still here!" Chris exclaims.

Tris ignores her and faces me. "Chris and I have been thinking and I want you to move in with us, will you?" she asks.

"Yes!" I exclaim. I embrace her into a tight hug. "I love you" I whisper. "I love you too" she replies.

"I'm moving in today" I stare once we break from the hug. "Today?" she asks surprised. "Yep" I reply getting my keys.

"Meet me at my house everyone, you can help me move" I yell walking out the door.

I'm so glad Tris asked me to move in. I love her and she loves me, I hope it won't bug Chris too much.

Tris's POV

I did it! I finally asked Tobias to move in. Christina and I have been talking for a week or so about it and she agreed.

We made a rule if he and I start kissing and she can see us then we have to get a room. I just rolled my eyes at that.

Today we're helping Tobias move. He wants to move in right away. He'll worry about selling his house later.

I'm kind of sad that I'm going away to college and he's not. He doesn't have enough credits. At least it's close enough I can still stay here.

I grab my keys and Chris and I will go into my car. Then the rest go the gang is gonna follow us.

"It's is cool you finally asked him, he seemed so happy" Christina tells me as I'm starting the car.

I smile and nod. "Yea, I'm glad I can still stay here" I say. "Me too, we can still go shopping daily" she squeals.

I groan then reply "Great." She laughs then says "I'm kidding, we'll skip Mondays." I laugh and turn into Tobias's driveway.

I get out and walk inside. He's already halfway done. Was he moving somewhere else before i asked him?

"Four!" I call through the half empty house. "Up here Tris" he calls and I run up the stairs. Christina follows.

I find him in his bedroom packing his bed up, trying to pack it up. "Let me help you" I say walking over.

"Wait I got it" Tobias says. He pushes one side down and the other pops up and hits him in the face.

He groans and go over to help him. We push the sides down at the same time and he sighs. "Thanks Tris" he says.

I laugh then reply "Yep."
"I'm glad you're moving in" I tell him. He smiles then says "Me too."

"Lets get the rest of this packed up" I say. He nods and walks into the bathroom.

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