1st Day Of School

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Christina's POV

"We're here!" I say batting Tris's arm as I park. "Why'd u hit me?U could've just said, wake up" Tris says as I say "That wouldn't be fun and I kinda wanted to smack u" I say laughing. Tris grimaces at me as we get out and walk in, the boys who like us do anything to get us. It's sometimes annoying, but I like attention and Tris doesn't.

Tris's POV

6 boys like me but I don't like them at all, I hate Logan and Cam is really annoying and Brandon, Xander don't ever leave my side and Tyler, he does anything. It's so annoying getting attention from boys, of course Christina and I r popular and she loves the attention but I don't and she probably doesn't ever think like this.

She has the whole school of boys crushing on her and I'm not gonna ruin that for her but I need to ruin it for me. I'm too shy to do anything though but if it gets me mad enough I can tell them to back off. That's my only plan though.

Christina snaps me out of my trance, "Tris! Earth to Tris" she says looking at me. "What?" I say turning towards her as she says "I'm gonna go out with Kyle." I nod as I hear whistles and turn around and see Logan and Cam, I smack my face.

They walk closer as I back and Logan says "U, me, Italian, tonight, I'll pick u up at 7 sharp" he says as I snicker. I manage to get the courage and I say "No, Stop flirting it's getting really annoying and u just need to stop, face it I'm never gonna go out with any of u."

I look at them sternly as I finish and Cam says "U think we're annoying? U want us to stop? You'll never go out with any of us?" Cam says surprised as I nod. He backs away and says "Come on Logan, we'll come back, u can count on that" Cam says as I push them away.

I see a guy out of my eye, he's sexy, mysterious and tall and must not be popular Bc I've never seen him till now, he has mesmerizing eyes and is wearing all black and there's two guys next to him. He sees me and comes over as I turn around and hear more whistles and get mad as I see Xander.

"Hey baby, wanna go out?" he says pinning against the lockers as I laugh and say "Never" as he says "I thought u would say that why don't u go back to being shy, I like ur shy side better." I sneer then say "No, ur a jerk and r annoying and just wanna go out with me Bc I'm popular, I don't need to date jerks like u" I say slipping from underneath him.

I look around and see Chris flirting with Kyle and pin Xander to the lockers as the mysterious guy stops and stares at me, "Don't u mess with me," I say. He somehow gets out as he pins me against the lockers and says "U should never have a BF, ur not worthy, ur just a petty popular who doesn't give crap and ur worthless piece of crap, who would wanna date u?" He says chocking me and yelling, he grabs me by the arm as he flips me over.

I see outta the corner of my eye him, "Hey stop" I hear someone say as I try to get up. My vision is blurry but I think the mysterious guy is saying that, I lay limp on the floor and hear yelling. I feel someone pick me up and I pass out, "Tris, Tris" I hear someone say and open my eyes but it's still blurry.

I feel something on my eyes and see the school nurse and him, he's by my side looking at me. "What happened, I...." I say but he cuts me off and says "Apparently someone was mad at u for not going out with him, he kinda flipped u and I saw what was happening and stopped him.

"wow" I say tiredly, and say "What's gonna happen?" I say and the nurse turns back and says "We're gonna have to call ur parents" she says as I say "Why?" and she says "Bc ur hurt, u picked a fight with Xander Coleson." I smack my face and she says "He's over there telling the principal what happened, is there something wrong, Ms.Prior?" she says as I say "Yea."

"What?" she says as I say "U can try but that's not gonna work" I say slyly avoiding telling her my dad is dead and my mom fled after having me. It's too sad, I don't really have any parents. "Why won't that work Prior?" she says as that stabs my heart, hearing my last name.

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