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Four's POV

"Sorry, is that too tight?" I say and she nods, I loosen her cast, "This is gonna be weird" she says looking up at me. "Don't worry, you'll be fine" I say kissing her.

  "Whatever" she says, I roll my eyes as I get out of bed. She gets out of the bed and follows me, I turn around remembering Tris needs help.

"I got it" she says pushing me away as I put my hands up in defeat. "Calm down, princess" I say mockingly as she sticks her tongue out at me.

"Lets go" she says hopping fast out of the room. I hear someone knocking on the door. I walk past Tris and open the door, it's Christina.

"Oh my gosh, gurl, are u ok?" Christina says freaking out and dropping all her things. "Chris, calm down, I'm fine" Tris says mellow. "No, u r on crutches, you...I was freaking out."

"Well now u see me and I'm telling u I'm fine, it's ok" Tris explains but Christina doesn't seem to get it.

"What do u need, do u want me to get u anything?" she asks hurriedly. Tris rolls her eyes then replies "He does that" she says pointing to me.

"Four, u little sweetheart" Christina says looking up at me. "He's so tall" I hear Chris whisper to Tris. "I heard that" I say as Christina turns around.

"Sorry but it's true" she replies truthfully. Tris is still standing on her crutches when she says "We should go on a trip" Tris exclams.

"Tris, u know we have school tomorrow?" I ask her as she nods. "Then why r we going somewhere?" I ask as she rolls her eyes like it's obvious.

"You guys could call in and say you're helping me" she replies. That's not a bad idea I think to myself. "So...?" Tris asks us eagerly as I walk over to her.

"Where would u like to go?" I ask her and see the happiness well up in her eyes. "Ohhhh!" she squeals as she slips from her crutches. I catch her as she gasps, "Sorry, a little too excited" she replies.

"I really wanted to go..." she starts but I cut her off, "Tris we're staying in the US" I say. She nods as she slaps me playfully "I'm not stupid, u dummy" she says.

"Ok, just wanted to tell u because idk if we have that kind of money" I reply. She rolls her eyes then says "How bout...New York?" she asks hopefully.

"Tris, how the heck are u gonna get around on crutches there?" I ask. She huffs then her face lights up, "I can walk, duh" she replies. I smack my forehead and say "Stupid, you're on crutches" I answer.

She pouts as she hops off her crutches and lunges towards me, knocking me over.

It takes me by surprise but manage to catch her so she won't get hurt. "Tris, what the heck, you could've gotten hurt, what was that for?" I ask after we land.

"I don't know, that just seemed like the thing to do" she answers. I stand up as I pick her up so she won't hurt herself. "What r u doing?" she asks.

"I'm picking u up so u won't hurt yourself" I reply dumbfounded. "Tobias, put me down, now, I can walk" she pouts. I carefully set her down but I still help her balance.

"See, I can..." she starts to say but falls. "Told u" I say crossing my arms as she struggles to get up. I start to bend down to help her but she pushes me away.

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