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Tris's POV

"I won't baby, I love you too much" he says still stroking my hair. "I love you, I love you" I repeat to him.

He smiles and we fall back asleep. I love him and he loves me.

I wake up to Tobias shaking me awake. "Tris, Tris, Tris" he is saying over and over.

I snap back into reality and look up. "What?" I ask him, he chuckles and says "Get up."

"Why?" I ask annoyed, he rolls his eyes and pulls me out. "You are free to leave they said."

I smile and quickly get up and get my clothes on. I'm so happy I change in front of Tobias.

I can hear him, "Like what you see?" I ask smirking. He chuckles and says "Yea."

"The view is great from back here" he adds. After I'm dressed I turn around and slap him playfully.

"What was that for, I was complimenting you" he tells me. I smile then say "Creeper."

He laughs and we walk out. The gang are in the chairs outside of our door.

Uriah and Zeke seem drunk, Chris and Shauna are talking and Will and Marlene look bored.

"Guys" I say getting their attention. They all turn towards me and Chris squeals.

"Are you ok?" she asks and I is. She hugs me hard, "I might pass out again" I joke.

She quickly lets go of me and says "We have a surprise for you Tris" she exclaims.

"We had your dad fly out to see you" she says excited. I start crying, Chris is confused.

"Tris are you ok, why are u crying?" she asks sympathy in her voice.

I can't bring myself to say anything so I fall to the floor. "No, no, no" I cry rocking back and forth.

"Tris are you ok?" Tobias asks scared. "Four, my dad is abusive" I tell him.

He looks shocked and Christina covers her mouth. The rest of the gang gasp.

"Tris, hon, I had no idea, I'm so so sorry" Chris apologies. "It's ok, you didn't know" I tell her.

"Well he's not gonna hurt you Tris" Tobias speaks up. "Thank you" I say to Tobias.

He smiles and Chris turns to me. "Tris I am so so so sorry, I just made a problem for you."

"How long is he staying?" I ask her. She gulps and looks at me. Uh oh, I'm scared!

"A month" she answers sheepishly. I sigh and look at her.

"Really Christina?" I ask a little mad. "A month?" I ask raising my voice.

"Tris, I wanted to do something special for you after you got out of the hospital and now I've ruined everything."

She runs out and Will chases after her. It's ok, we'll figure a way to get him out. She didn't know.

Christina's POV
A/N oh, switching up the POVS!!

I run out, I've ruined Tris's life. She said it's messed up already, she doesn't need me making more problems for her.

I feel so bad, she's probably pretty pissed at me, but I just wanted to do something special for her after she got out.

I love her so much, but I effed this up. Why do I ruin everything? Tris probably never wants to talk to me again.

I deserve it, I brought her abusive dad to the country. I'm the worlds greatest best friend.

I should get an award, yay, me!
I hate myself, my thoughts get interrupted by Will yelling my name.

"Chris, Christina" he yells as I turn around. The rest of the gang is behind him. I keep running, Tris is gonna beat me up.

Would she do that? I hope not! "Christina" Will yells again, this time I stop and brace myself. Tris approaches and I tighten up.

But instead she hugs me. "What?" I ask confused. "Chris, you were so thoughtful tho" she tells me. "Thanks" I answer smiling.

"We will handle it together" she tells me.

Tris's POV

I tell Christiana we will handle it.  "Lest go home" I say walking to the car. "Everyone can come to our house for a sleepover" i yell.

The gang cheers and we all get in our cars.

Ten minutes later

We eat home and see a car in the driveway. It's my dad's, oh no!

I updated and it's not too bad!

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