The Dress Shop!

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Tris's POV

"I love you" I say to Tobias. "I love you too" he replies linking his hand with mine.

"Woooo!" I yell. "We're leaving in two hours, get ready guys" I yell. Tobias grabs my hand and says "This is gonna be awesome."

"Do you have a tux?" I ask him. "Yep" he answers. "Come here, this is important Tris, so you have a dress suit for this?" she asks.

"Uh?" I start but she says "We're going shopping anyways" she says pulling me towards the door. "Girls, come on."

"Where to?" Marlene asks. "Shopping, for Tris's dress and if any of you need one you can get one" Christiana exclaims.

"Tris, you're gonna look stunning" Marlene says dragging me out the door. "Bye Tobias" I yell before I'm pulled out.

"Bye Tris" he yells back. I sigh as I sit in the front next to a crazy Christina. "This is gonna be so cool, you're gonna look."

I stop her and finish her sentence. "Cute" I mock. "Come on Tris, you should be happy" Christina tells me.

"You're getting married to Four, for crying out loud, he's everything to you" she tells me. "I know but..." it's her turn to stop me.

"Tris, I want you to look perfect for the dinner, the wedding and the honeymoon, that's my job" she answers.

I laugh and sigh then nod and say "Yea, I guess, I mean you are really good at that" I tell her. "Awwww thanks" she says.

"We're here" Christina sings and I get out. "Let's find the cutest dress shop ever" Chris squeals. Marlene and Shauna groan.

"I'm gonna get a red dress" Marlene exclaims. "Green" Shauna chimes in. Chris shoots them a look.

"What?" they both ask. "Do you want it to be Christmas at the dinner?" Christina asks. "Oh, I'll get pink then" Marlene replies.

"Watermelon, really guys?" Chris asks. "Oh my gosh, Chris, we aren't trying to make a theme" Marlene tells her.

"We just like those colors" Marlene adds. "Fine" Christina huffs. "Tris, I'm gonna get you a blue dress" Christiana turns to me.

"Here it is" Christina says walking up to an expensive looking dress shop. I look at a price tag and gasp.

"Holy shit, three hundred dollars for a small dress?" I ask surprised. "Watch your language Tris" Christina scolds me.

"Ok, I don't care" I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Hello, my name is Katie, how can I help you?" she asks.

"We're looking for a blue dress for an engagement party" Christina tell her. "Oh, who is the lucky lady?" she asks.

"Her" they all point to me and I blush. "Oh my gosh, congrats" Katie tells me. "Thanks" I reply and she smiles.

"Ok, so here are the blue dresses, are you looking for anything in particular?" Katie asks.

Chris looks at me and I think and answer "I don't want it to touch the ground" I reply. "Ok, so shorter dresses are here."

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