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Tobias's POV

"Ok, we'll get her to the infirmary" she tells me. "I'm coming" I tell the lady and she nods. "I have a patient here that just came in and needs to go to the infirmary" she says pressing another line.

Trucks come up into the driveway and all rush out. Everything is a blur, doctors are running everywhere. I hope she's gonna be ok! I hear yelling, I try to follow the people who have Tris but I can't see anything.

The crowd thins and I spot Tris, they're loading her into a truck. I hop in at the last second and sit down. "Who the hell are you?" the doctors ask surprised. "Her boyfriend" I answer as one eyes me suspiciously. "Ok" one of them says.

"Were you with her when she tripped?" they ask. "Yea, I saw it" I answer then follow up with "We live together" I then add. "And what exactly happened?" they ask me. "She was running down the stairs and tripped, she hit her head on a nail and skidded to the ground" I answer.

"How long has she been sleeping?" he asks. "About two or so hours" I answer as they nod and say "We're here"they say as the truck slows. We come to a stop and jump out the back. They roll her out and into the emergency center.

"Please stay here" he tells me and I panic but sit down. "Will she be ok?" I ask but he doesn't answer. I sit down and wait.

Three hours later

My eyes are sagging and I almost fell asleep but I'm staying awake just in case she wakes up. "Are you Four?" someone asks me and I look up eagerly and say "yes" I answer. "Is it about my girlfriend Tris?" I ask her.

"No, I'm sorry" she replies and I look away then say "I don't wanna hear it." She walks away and I fall asleep. "Four, Four, Four" someone says trying to wake me. I wake up and look around and see a nurse waking me up.

"Is it about Tris?" I ask and she shakes her head. "I saw you from over there and thought you were hot, you wanna go out tonight?" she asks seductively. "No, get off me, I have a girlfriend" I say freaking out. "Come on baby, you know you want me" she says coming closer.

"No, I don't" I answer blankly. "You see what you like?" she asks and clearly she she's talking about her chest. "Nope, now get away from me" I say as she walks away mad. That was not the first girl who tried to hook up with me when I'm still with Tris.

I am not cheating on Tris, I love her and am never gonna do that to her. If I saw guys hit on Tris I'd probably get really jealous. She wouldn't hook up with another guy and cheat on me though. Tris! I want to see her now, I've been waiting for like four hours.

I walk up to the front desk and ask the lady about Tris. "I'm sorry, only family members can see her" she replies. "I can, I'm her husband" I lie and the lady nods. "She's in room 66" she says as I start walking down the hallway. "Please be awake" I say as I walk into the room.

I see her and she's trying to stand up and she starts falling, I quickly catch her before she does. She looks up and sees me, she falls into my arms as I hold her. "Tobias, you're here" she says trying to stand up. "Here sit down" I say helping her onto the bed.

"Tobias how are you here, they said only family members were aloud in and I asked him but he said no." I smirk and say "I told them I was your husband" I say. She smiles and says "I love you" she says kissing me. "I love you too" I reply pulling back.

Update at 3AM great again!

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