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He nods as he answers "I don't like seeing u in pain" he replies. He wraps my leg up in wet towels as he picks me up and brings me back in my room. He stops because we hear groaning and voices. "What, Tobias?" I ask worried, "I don't know."

He sets me down and opens the door, I hear him gasp when he opens the door. "What is she doing here?" Tobias says whispering. "She...?" I ask whispering back as he says "Carlie."

My jaw drops as I say "Your ex" I say getting mad. "Hey, it's gonna be fine, just stay in here" he answers as he walks out.

Tobias's POV

My ex is in my girlfriend's room, how the hell did she get in here? "Four" Carlie exclaims seductively walking towards me. "Not gonna work" I reply sternly crossing my arms. "What the hell r u doing in my girlfriend's house?"

"Taking u back" she replies as she rips her jacket off. I look at her as I roll my eyes, "Do u like what u see?" she asks strutting towards me. "No" I answer bluntly as she pouts and says "Baby, why won't u take me back?"

"BECAUSE YOU ARE A LITTLE SLUT!" I say getting infuriated. "I am, I'm a bad little girl" she replies playfully. "Get out of my girlfriend's house" I say leading her out to the front door.

"Who is your little slutty girl that you're dating?" she asks putting a phony smile on. ""Ok, number 1) My girlfriend is NOT SLUTTY, and 2) You have some nerve to come down here" I snap back.

She just crosses her arms as she puts on a sly face. "Well, where is she or are you making this girl up?" she says coming closer to me. I push her out the door and lock it as I run back to the bathroom.

I open the door quickly and see Tris lying on the floor, unconscious. She's losing a lot of blood, I've got to get Christina. I run to the theater and barge in not caring.

"Four Eaton, what the heck, I thought I told u to knock" she exclaims glaring at me. "Nows not the time, I need your help..." I say but she cuts me off before I can finish.

"I'm not helping u with anything, u little..." she says but I cut her off and answer "Tris is passed out on the floor and she's losing a lot of blood" I exclaim quickly.

She gasps and says "Oh my gosh Four, I'm so sorry" she apologizes. I shut her up and grab her hand as we run to the bathroom. I open the door and Christina immediately sees Tris.

"Oh my gosh, is she...is she?" Chris starts to say but is on the verge of tears that she can't finish. "What happened, Four?" she asks as tears fly down her face. "No time, we need to get her to the hospital."

Chris nods and she shakily gets up and I say "Grab some towels and I'll get her" I instruct Christina. She nods vigorously as I carefully pick up Tris. I look down and see blood running everywhere.

How could she have not known that she got cut this bad? Christina gathers all the things as she follows me. "I'll drive" she says sniffling as I reply "You can bring your boyfriend" I say. She nods as she runs to get him.

Christina's POV

I run into the theater to get Braden and he's laying in the couch. "Hey, baby" he says seeing me. He comes towards me and says "What wrong, Chrissy, why r u crying?" he asks as I shake my head. Tears cascade down my cheeks.

My body is trembling and I'm hiccuping as he pulls me into a hug. "No time to explain, I'll explain on the way" I say wiping away loose tears. "Come on" I say pulling him to the front door.

I can see his eyes widen as he sees Tris. "Is this?" he asks as I just nod, my body is still trembling. "You ready?" Tobias and as I nod and we're out the door. We buckle in, Tris and Tobias r in the back and Braden is next to me.

"I just met u, is this too personal?" Braden asks. "No, I'm perfectly fine, it's not personal" I answer trying not to break down. I turn into the hospital's parking lot and park.

I get out of the car and I go and open up Tobias's side. He comes out with bloody Tris still in his arms. Just looking at Tris makes me cry, I stifle the sound and I whimper. Braden hears me and grabs my hand.

"Stay strong, Christina, it'll be ok, baby" he reassures me. I turn to him and loose it "No, it's not ok, my friend is loosing gallons of blood as we speak, I'm not ok."

I yell, it take him by surprise because he let's go of my hand. "I'm sorry, I...I don't..." I start to say but he cuts me off "No, I'm sorry, I was trying to calm u down"

We enter the hospital and I look around, it's depressing, no one can stay positive here. I cling onto Braden's arm as we walk up to the front desk. Tobias hurriedly runs to it.

"My...my girlfriend got into a fight at school and she got hurt really badly" he says tears streaming down his face. The lady nods quickly as she pages a wheelchair and room.

"Here's the wheelchair and bring her down to room 64" the lady says but Tobias is already off. He turns carefully into room 64 and there's already a doctor in here.

The doctor hoists Tris onto the bed, her blood soaks the covers crimson red. I can't bear to look, I bury my head in Braden's chest. I sob, not caring how I sound, she could be dead.

You just can't though when your friend is essentially dying in front of u. The doctor pages a crew, they hook her up to various wires as I whimper. Sobs rack Tobias's body. I can't watch, I walk out of the room.

Braden follows me, "Hey, I'm so sorry, Chrissy" he says hugging me tightly. "That was traumatizing, I can't watch my friend die" I answer bawling my eyes out on his shirt. "I'm sorry" I apologize wiping the wet spots on his shirt.

"Chrissy, don't apologize, you're going through a hard time right now" he comforts. I nod then say "I really want to stay in there making sure she's ok but...I break down every time I see her."

He nods then says "Four will be in there with her, she'll be ok" he replies. The reason why Braden knows so much about me, is because we were childhood friends all the way up to freshman year.

Then he moved and I never thought I'd see him again because I realized I had feeling for him. It was too late, he'd moved and forgot to get his number. Each night I thought about how we would be if I had asked him.

We acted like we didn't know each other in the car because we didn't want to draw any attention. Tris is our main concern, not my relationships.

"We should probably go in there soon" I answer. "I thought..." he starts but I say "She's my friend, I can handle it, I need to be there for her." He nods standing up as I walk into room 64.

"Hey, Tobias, how's she doing?" I ask quietly looking at him and Tris. "Better, the doctors said she lost a lot of blood, clearly but she's in a coma" he says stifling a sob. I look at Tris and fear overcomes me. She can't die, please don't die Tris.

I walk over to Tris and bend down, "I'm sorry, u have to go through this, I'm sorry about Kyle...you don't deserve this" I say to Tris stuttering, tears flow freely down my face.

I sit down on a chair on the other side of Tris. "I love u baby, please wake up, for me, for Christiana, for your family" Tobias says to Tris. I can't hold back the tears, they fall down my face.

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