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Tris's POV

I then ask "What happened?" I say as she starts "Well he thought I was cheating on him but I was just helping a freshman with his homework.

He didn't believe me and.." she says but I stop her. "Wait, did this just happen?" I ask as she nods, "I was going to the bathroom and he just confronted me, I was so confused."

"He was like you cheated on me and then he said you cheated on me with a freshman, I tried to reason with him and tell him I was helping the freshman with HW but."

"Let's get you to the school nurse" I say remembering that I need to go to the principal's office, I help Chris get up and walk her to the nurses.

"Oh my gosh, honey what happened, are you okay?" the nurse asks as I bring Chris into the room and sit her down.

I start to get up and leave but Chris grabs my arm and says "Can't you stay Tris?" she asks, I stand there for a second to think, should I stay with Chris or should I go to the principal's office.

I sit down next to Christina as she lightly smiles at me, "So...what happened?' the nurse asks again. "Well my boyfriend got mad at me and beat me up" Chris says quickly as the nurses eyes widen, "Oh My' she replies looking at Christina, "What's his name sweetie?" she asks Chris as Chris says "Kyle Burgon."

"Ok, I will ask the office to page him" the nurse says as she walks out to tell the office, I hear Kyle getting paged a few minutes later Kyle walks in.

Christina hides her face in my shirt as he passes by, I glare at Kyle as he passes by and I hear the office lady talk to Kyle and telling him to go to the principal's office.

But first he comes in the nurses office and Christina looks at him as he walks in, she looks away but he speaks up.

"I'm really really really really sorry, Christina I didn't know what I was doing when I beat u up it was like I wasn't in control of my body I..." he starts but Chris cuts him off.

"You can't beat up a girl though" she says and I can hear her voice breaking, "I'm so so sorry Christina, I'm a complete douche bag and I don't deserve you I completely ruined our relationship that we could've had."

"Yea you did, and u are a douche bag, I hate you Kyle" Chris says and I can feel she can't keep it in any longer so I tell Kyle leave.

After he leaves Chris says "IK he's really sorry but I just can't forgive him, I can't have my abuser as my boyfriend and I know he's trying to fix it but he just can't you can't come back from beating a girl" Christina finishes and she's in tears.

The nurse walks back in and Christina tries to clean herself up as she hides her face in her hoodie, "Do you wanna call your parents?" the nurse asks as Christina shakes her head, "Do you want me to clean u up?" the nurse asks as Christina grabs a tissue and shakes her head.

"I'm just gonna go back to class" Christina says as she walks out with me, "What's your class right now?" I ask her as she says "Carlton LA" she says blowing her nose and heading for the bathroom.

"OK, I'll be right back" I say rushing to the principal's office, I see Tobias and try to avoid him but he yells my name so I have to acknowledge him.

"Hey are you ok?" he asks holding my hand, "Yea, the teacher sent me to the principal's office but I had to stop Kyle from beating Christina up" I answer.

"Baby did you get hurt?" he asks checking for blood, "No, I'm fine" I say looking down he's still checking when he says "What the did you notice this?" he asks.

He's pointing to big gash on the side of my leg, the blood is soaking my pant leg I must've not noticed it. "No" I answer mellow, "Baby you need to get this checked out that's a lot of blood" he says holding me up, "I'm fine" I say drowsily.

"Tris?" he asks I can feel myself slipping, "Oh my gosh" I hear Tobias say surprised, "Tris, Tris" he says setting me against a wall. I can't fall asleep, no not now, I struggle to stay awake but manage to open my eyes "Tris, Tris come on we gotta get you to the nurse" he says picking me up.

"Tris, Tris can you hear me?" he asks me feeling my forehead, "Yea" I say really sleepily "Just hang on" he says now he's running. "My girlfriend is losing a lot of blood because she was interrupting a fight" I hear him say before I pass out, I wake up to Tobias sleeping next to me.

I get up and realize we're at home, well at me and Christina's house. I hear Tobias wake up, "Tris" he says as I cuddle into him, "I'm so glad you're awake, you were losing too much blood, its been two days" Tobias says.

I sit there in shock then look down and realize I only have one leg. I then realize I'm dreaming and wake up next to Tobias, he wakes up and looks at me.

"Are you ok?" he asks as I nod still in shock of everything that's happened today, he engulfs me in a hug "I'm so glad your ok, baby, I was so worried." "I had to take you home because Chris was still in class and your parents lost touch with you so I'm the closest you had to family" he says kissing me.

"Ur a sweetheart, Tobias" I say pulling him closer, "Anything for you" he replies as he pulls back the covers. "I wanna check on your leg" he says, I look down and see a huge cast and crutches lying next to the bed.

"Oh they gave you crutches because they said you shouldn't be walking on that" he says pointing to my leg. "School is almost over" Tobias says looking at his phone, "I wanna see my leg" I say looking at Tobias, "Are you sure?" he says sympathetically.

I nod as he unwraps my cast, I look down and see my bruised, bloody cut leg that's really blue/purple, I look away as he chuckles "You ok?' he asks. "I never wanna see that again" I say as he zips up my cast, I feel pressure on my leg and breathe in with pain.

"Sorry, is that too tight?" I say and she nods, I loosen her cast, "This is gonna be weird" she says looking up at me. "Don't worry, you'll be fine" I say kissing her.

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