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Tris's POV

I laugh then reply "Yep."
"I'm glad you're moving in" I tell him. He smiles then says "Me too."

"Lets get the rest of this packed up" I say. He nods and walks into the bathroom. "Lets get the shower curtain" he says.

I look at him confused and he smiles. "I'm kidding, I don't care about my curtain" he laughs. "We won't need one" he jokes.

"Four Eaton" I scold laughing. He smirks then says "What, do you want me?" he teases. I come close to him and nod.

"Too bad we took my bed down" he jokes. I smile and we finish packing the bathroom up. "Lets get this into the car and come back" he says.

We load his stuff into the car and go back to my house. The gang is the rest of the stuff in their cars.

I gave Christina the keys to our car. We unpack the stuff and bring it inside. He sets it down and we drive back for more.

"Will you ever break up with me Tobias?" I ask serious. "Tris...I won't ever leave you, I love you" he reassures me.

"But what if we get into a really bad fight?" I ask scared. "Tris, I can't promise anything" Tobias tells me.

My heart breaks! "Really?" I ask starting to cry. He notices and stops on the side of the road. "Tris, I love you, come here" he says pulling me into the back.

He cuddles me into his arms and says "I can't make any promises, at least not until you promise me" he says pulling out a ring.

I stare at it stunned! What? Is this a ring? "Tobias, is this a  ring?" I ask surprised.

He nods and says "Tris, will you marry me?" he asks.

I nod vigorously as he smiles and slips it on. It has my birth stone on it, pearl! It's so beautiful.

"Tobias, oh my gosh, baby, I love it" I reply hugging him. He smiles and starts crying. Awww! He's never cried.

"Let's go tell the gang, Chris is gonna be so happy" I squeal. Tobias stops and turns to me. What, did I do something wrong?

"What?" I ask. "You've never squealed before" he says. I roll my eyes then say "shut up." "Ok, let's get home" he replies driving.

Update boiiiiiii! I've been too busy watching "Tpindell" so yea! His channel is 🔥 so go check it out. #randomness

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