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Tobias's POV

"Tobias how are you here, they said only family members were allowed in and I asked him but he said no." I smirk and say "I told them I was your husband" I say. She smiles and says "I love you" she says kissing me. "I love you too" I reply pulling back.

"I hope you're ok" I tell her. "Have you gotten any word back on how you're doing?" I ask her. She shakes her head and I look at her and realize there's a bandage on her head. "Is this where?" I ask pointing to it and she nods.

"It throbs but I can't do anything about it" she says starting to cry. "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could do something" I say pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry, this is ridiculous, I'm crying and I'm seventeen" she says.

"Hey, don't apologize, it's ok" I say kissing her hand. Tonight I decide to leave and bring back her friends along with a little surprise! "Hey, Tris, tonight I'm gonna go out for a while" I tell her.

She just sits there for a second then breaks down. "No, please, Tobias, don't go" she sobs. "Tris, I'm gonna be out for not even an hour, please, I need to go" I explain. "My head hurts so much and.." she starts.

"Hey, hey, hey Tris, I'm coming back, I just need to do something" I explain. "But Tobias, I'll be all lonely and my head just hurts so much, please stay tonight" she pleads. "Baby, please, I'll be quick" I tell her.

She sniffles but doesn't answer me. "You won't be alone, people will be with you, I'll call them right now" I reassure her. "I don't want strangers in my room" she exclaims. I calm her down and tell her they aren't.

"Hey, Chris, can you bring the whole gang over, Tris is freaking out and is scared when I leave her tonight" I say quietly over the phone. "Oh my gosh Four, we'll be right over" she says and hangs up.

Ten minutes later

They're here, I see them in the lobby. I walk out of the room and show them where Tris's room is. "I'm coming in ok baby" I tell Tris as I slowly open the door. I see her gasp.

Christina and the girls run over to her as Uriah follows. Zeke and some other guy are standing around. "Who are you?" I ask the guy that came in. "Christina's boyfriend, Will" he says shaking my hand.

"Oh, hi I'm Four" I introduce, he looks at me. He then asks "Four, like the number?" he asks and I nod. "Cool man" he says. "I just hooked up with Christiana and she drags me everywhere so..."

"We'll do introductions later" I tell him and he nods. "Tris, are you ok, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" I hear them say. Overlapping voices, I can't hear what they're saying. "I'm gonna leave, if Tris asks tell her I'm in the bathroom."

Zeke nods as I slip out in all the commotion. I need to rush to the store in minutes. I see a Meijer just in walking distance so I decide to sprint to it. Starting up a car is too slow.

(I know what you're thinking, what r u doing?clearly a car is faster but the Meijer is really close) I walk in and go to the toy section, I find the largest bear there. It's almost as big as me.

Hopefully I don't trip over it running back. I pick out a really pretty necklace that has the numbers 4&6 on it. I ring them up and rush back out. I loop the necklace around the bear's neck.

I reach the hospital and rush back in. "Sir, who are you, sir!" the lady yells. I ignore her and keep running, I reach Tris's door and hear sobs. Oh no! But I'm just in time.
I bust the door open and see Chris trying to calm down Tris.

"Tris!" I say breathlessly, she gasps and I walk over to her! The room is silent and I hear Chris squeal. "I ran to the nearest store and got this for you" I say handing her the bear.

She notices the necklace and reads it! "4&6" she reads then starts crying, oh no, is something wrong? "Tris, are you ok why r u crying?" I ask worried. "This is so sweet, I love you Four."

I hug her and she holds me close. "I love you too Tris" I whisper in her ear. She sniffles then pulls back, she smiles then says "Thank you so much" she repeats. "Of course, I love you" I tell her.

"That was so cute!" Christiana gushes. "Four, you're a big softie" Marlene remarks as Shauna nods. "Only for Tris but I am not going soft for you" I tell her. "I never thought you were gonna."

I smile at Tris! Christina is hugging her and whispering stuff in her ear. Marlene giggles and Shauna grins. "You should" Marlene says to Tris. "Guys, he's right there" Tris giggles, I've never heard Tris giggle.

"Ok fine" Tris says getting up. Chris helps her and pretty soon she's standing. She pulls me in and smiles "I'm doing this because I love you, Tobias" she whispers so only I can hear.

"What?" I ask smiling down at her. She grabs my dick for a second then lets it go. She bursts out laughing and Christina is laughing. Shauna and Marlene are cracking up.

Pretty soon everyone else realizes it and they all start laughing. I stand there in a room full of lunatics! "Real mature Tris" I tease but she's still laughing. "It felt weird" Tris whispers to Chris.

"It should Tris" she says. Tris smiles! "Is that you're idea of fun Tris?" I retort smirking. "Do you want me?" I tease again. "I do" she teases back.

Hey guys! Hope u liked that last part, haha! Haven't updated this in a while!

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