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Tris's POV

"What do you want to do number boy?" I tease and he smiles then leans in and says "This."

He starts kissing me and I don't kiss back. I don't touch my lips to his. I tease him as I pull away slowly.

"Tris, let me kiss you" he pleads. I grin and kiss him. He moans and I smile. "I love you" I tell him.

He pulls back and says "I love you too Tris" he tells me. "You guys making out yet?" I hear Chris ask.

"No" I yell rolling my eyes. "Well you should be, Four wants you" she teases, I can tell she's smiling.

I just laugh and open the door. "Fine, we aren't keeping you guys out I guess" I sigh as Chris laughs.

"No you cannot keep us out" she says. "I know, I realized" I answer. "Visiting hours are over" the nurse says coming in.

I groan as I watch them walk out. "Him too" she tells me. I shake my head and tell her he's my husband.

She nods and says "Ok." "Can I be let out tomorrow?" I ask. "We'll see" she replies and I look over at Tobias.

"You can stay" I tell him, he smiles and gets into bed with me. I fall asleep on him.


"Tobias?" I ask, voice echoing. "You slut" I hear someone say as I turn around. Lauren? What?

Lauren walks towards me. "I'm talking to you Tris, you stole him" she says taunting me.

"Stole what?" I ask. She laughs and says "Don't play dumb, you know you stole Four away from me."

"I didn't know you liked him" I tell her. She sighs and walks around me, she grabs my brown hair and strokes it.

"Your hair is all you've got, dry, fake, just like Four's love for you, he will be mine" she says and disappears.

"Tris, I need to tell you something" he says. "Yea?" I ask and he looks down. "I'm breaking up with you" he says.

"What?" I ask, mad and confused. "I realize that I love Lauren" he confesses. That kills me! What?

"No please, Four" I cry. "Tris I'm sorry but no" he tells me. "Lauren isn't a slut" he tells me.

"Four please" I cry again. "Tris, we are done, get that through that brain of yours" he says.

I stand there crying, "Four, don't leave me for that bitch" I cry. "Sorry Tris" he tell me again.

"No you're not" I yell. Lauren comes back out and walks to Four, they start making out and I cry.

He left me for her. That little bitch, I hate her! She took Four! "Four please" I sob falling to the ground.

"I'm done Tris" he yells and walks away. I'm crying uncontrollably, I loved him but he left me.

I wake up crying and it wakes up Tobias. "Tris, hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asks me. "I had this dream that Lauren was telling me I was a slut."

"Then u broke up with me and got together with her, you told me you hated me, that I was a slut, I..." I say trying to finish.

My voice cracks and I break down. "I'm sorry Tris" he says hugging me, he calms me down.

"I love you and I'm not gonna leave you" he reassures me. "Don't leave me" I plead still crying.

"I won't baby, I love you too much" he says still stroking my hair. "I love you, I love you" I repeat to him.

He smiles and we fall back asleep.

Update! I'm a week late! Geez!!!

This is so crappy, sry!!!

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