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Christina's POV

I sit down on a chair on the other side of Tris. "I love u baby, please wake up, for me, for Christiana, for your family" Tobias says to Tris. I can't hold back the tears, they fall down my face.

The doctors rush in because her monitor is beeping like crazy. "What...what's happening?" I ask frantic. "She has gone into shock, please evacuate."

We all rush out in a fritz, "She can't...s-s-she can't die" I say leaning against Braden. "They won't let her, she's brave, she can snap out of it" Tobias reassures me.

Tobias's POV

I hear screaming and yelling in Tris's room. "What is happening in there?" I ask scared. "That doesn't sound good" Chris says.

"We need to find out what's going on" Christina says marching into Tris's room. "OH MY, GOSH, OH MY GOSH, WHAT THE HELL?" Chris says coming out.

"What, what happened, what were they doing?" I ask worried. "I heard one of them say we lost her and saw her bleeding out."

"Why was there screaming?" I ask Chris as she starts freaking out. "I don't know, I came in there and heard a drill and Tris was screaming" Chris says breaking down.

She's shaking, "What the heck is going on?" she asks pacing back in forth. Terror sweeps her face, she starts punching the wall.

Braden has to pry her off to make her stop. "Christina, GET A GRIP!!" Braden yells. Christina falls back into Braden as she gasps for breath.

"I can't take it, Four u have to go in there and see what's going on" Chris says. I nod scared of what they're doing to Tris.

I walk in Tris's room and see blood everywhere. Someone sees me and they yell at me to get out. "NO, WHAT R U DOING TO MY GF?" I ask infuriated.

"She's gone, Four, we tried to save her but can't" he replies. "What r u talking about, what r u doing?" I ask trembling. He orders everyone out.

He takes me over to Tris, she's all bloody. I can't take it no, no this can't be happening. "She bled out, I'm sorry Four" he says walking out. I look down at her.

Tears pour down my face and there's no stopping them. "SHE CAN'T BE DEAD! NO, YOU BRING HER BACK RIGHT NOW, YOU HEAR ME, YOU KILLED HER" I yell.

I tip over chairs and knock over tables. They come crashing down in a blast. I flip over everything I see in sight. The table, chairs and equipment.

I punch the wall leaving a hole bigger than my head. "YOU CANNOT TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" I say as Chris and Braden come in. They both gasp.

Christina bursts into tears, "NO TRIS, NO WHAT, THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!!" Chris sobs. She covers her mouth as she cries so hard she falls on the floor.

Braden picks her up and lies her down on the couch. "Call our friends!" I say to Chris as she wipes her eyes but still is crying.

"U-u-u-u-Uriah, g-g-get... the g-g-gang t-t-t-t-to Divergent...h-h-hospital" she says hiccuping. She hangs up and covers her mouth.

She stifles a sob, "NO, T-t-t-t-Tris, don't leave us, d-d-don't leave me and T-t-Tobias" is all she manages to get out. I hear someone knocking on the door.

Uriah opens it and gasps when he sees the bloody Tris. "W-w-what...h-h-h-h-happened?" Uriah says crying. Mar is behind him and comes in.

She sees Tris and looks down as she muffles a sob. "T-t-tris?" she asks crying as Uriah pulls her aside so everyone can come in. Lynn, Shauna and Zeke walk in.

"She got into a fight with Kyle to save Christina and got cut but she didn't know it and she came home and bled out. They couldn't save her, they tried" I finish staying strong.

"Tris!?" Lynn asks coming closer to Tris. "No, no, no Tris!" Shauna cries out. I have to cover my face so I won't cry. "I c-c-can't believe...what?" is all Zeke can say.

The doctor comes in and wheels her away. "No, don't, no" I say chasing after her. I catch up to him and say "STOP, YOU CANNOT TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" I yell.

"I'm sorry Theo but she's gone, we will call you once we're done" he replies. "Done with what?" I ask as he says "End it so if she is alive she will die in peace" he replies.

"No, no, you can't do that, she can't leave me, I need her" I say yelling after the guy. I collapse on the floor, sobbing. My Tris, my baby died, I need her, I can't live without her but she's gone.

She can't be, this isn't real, this can't be happening! But it is, it's real alright! I walk back to the gang and they ask "Where r they taking her?" Uriah asks.

"To finish her off so if she is alive, she doesn't feel pain, she can die peacefully." "What NO!" Uriah says before racing off.

Uriah's POV

I race down after Tris, they can't kill her off fully. She has to live, she has been my best friend since kids. She can't die!

I catch up to the guy and distract him as I grab Tris's bed and roll her down the hallway. He runs after me but I'm too fast. I make it to the gang and run inside and lock the door.

"Uriah what the heck?" Zeke asks me. "She may still be alive" I say. "Four, help me" I say motioning to the bloody Tris. "With what?" he asks.

Tobias's POV

"Just out your mouth to Tris's, we're giving her CPR!" he explains. I fit my mouth in Tris's as Uriah explains "For every breath, I will pump her 15x."

I nod as I breath into her mouth and Uriah pushes up and down. We do this for fifteen minutes, she's still not awake. "Come on Tris!"

"She's gone Four, she's not waking up" Uriah replies crying as I bury my head in her chest. "Tris, please I need you" I say grabbing her bloody hand. "What do we do now?" I ask Uriah.

"We have to let her go" Uriah answers as I say "No, I can't" I say as he says "Dude, we all love Tris to death but I'm sorry man!" Uriah admits. "No, I can't" I say a tear rolling down my cheek.

Uriah unlocks the door and we say our last goodbyes. We watch him roll her out. I bury my head in my hands and look back at her. Wait, I saw her finger twitch.

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