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Tris's POV

"Tris come on" they both say dragging me out. "Guysss!" I yell but they ignore me. I guess I'm going shopping.

They both sit it in the front, they are talking away. I can't hear what they're saying but I wonder what the gang is doing.

Tobias's POV

"Lets go get ice cream" Uriah yells. "Yaaaa" the gang yells and runs out the door. I wish Tris was here but Christina and Scarlett dragged her shopping.

I follow along and hop in the car. "Wait, is this my car?" I ask ready to yell at Uriah. "Yea" he answers. "No" I yell.

"Calm down Four, I'm not gonna crash it" Uriah reassures but I don't believe him. With him, if it's someone else's then it's bound to get broken.

We get to the ice cream place and I was gonna get a large like Tris and I do but she's not here. I sigh and ask for a small chocolate.

Zeke comes up to me and asks me what's wrong. "Tris isn't here" I sigh. "Don't worry she'll be back, she's just shopping." He doesn't get it though.

Yea I know he has Shauna but their love isn't as strong as ours. I feel weird doing anything without her, it feels wrong almost.

We drive back home and wait for the girls. I hear the front door open and rush to it but realize it's just Uriah taking the trash out.

"Bro slow your roll, I'm not Tris" he mockingly says. I shove him away and go back to the living room. I'm restless, when are they gonna get back?

I hate waiting but I will for Tris. I hear the front door open and I'm sure this time it's her and sure enough it is. "Tris" I yell and hug her.

"Four, what's up, did you break something?" she asks. I shake my head then say "I just missed you" I answer. She sighs and says "My ex found me."

"What?" I ask scared. "Did he do anything?" I ask worried now. "He said I should get back together with him and I told him I was with you."

She stops and starts crying. "He said I was a slut and that you don't deserve me..." she pauses. "Then he slapped me" she finishes.

That stops me completely. He what? He slapped her? How dare he. "He slapped you?" I ask raising my voice totally angry now.

He can't slap my Tris. "Yea" she squeaks out. She's scared. "I'm sorry Tris but he can't slap you like that, are you ok, did he do anything else?" I ask.

"No, I'm fine" she answers. I hold her in my arms and kiss the top of her head. "I'm sorry Tris, you didn't deserve that" I whisper.

She's so fragile, it feels like if I let someone hurt her then she'll break, but she won't, she's brave and strong.

Hey! 😒 it's Valentine's Day, a useless holiday!

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