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Tobias's POV

Uriah unlocks the door and we say our last goodbyes. We watch him roll her out. I bury my head in my hands and look back at her. Wait, I saw her finger twitch.

She might be still alive! I run after the bed, I hear Uriah ask what I'm doing but I ignore him. "Sir, I know you miss her but you have to let her go." I shake my head as I bend down and kiss her.

I feel her breathing as I release, she moans but her eyes r open. I knew she was still alive. Tears stream down my face as she hugs me again and I hear the gang gasp.

"Tris?" I hear Uriah ask as Tris sits up. She gets out from under the bloody covers. "Tris..." I say but she looks down and sees she's all bloody.

The doctor says "That was an amazing recovery, how did that happen MrEaton?" he asks me. I just shrug and the whole gang hugs Tris. After her bed is wheeled back to her room I clean her up.

The gang waits in the waiting room because we can leave tonight after they do DNA tests on her. Once in the bathroom,  she slips off her clothes as I help her into the shower.

She washes her hair and body as the blood washes out. She walks out of the shower and cover her up with a towel. She gets her clothes back on and we walk out.

"Thank you Tobias" she says quickly kissing my cheek. "I love you, Tris" I say happy she's alive. I stop abruptly in the hall and she looks at me.

"Tobias r u ok?" she asks me as I nod and hug her. "You're alive baby" I say as she kisses me on the side of my cheek. "I'm glad to be alive." We walk over to the gang.

"Tris!" they all say happy, Christina is the first to run up to Tris. "Tris, you're my best friend, I love you, I was literally bawling my eyes out the whole time because I thought you were dying but you're alive, you fought it."

The gang huddles around her and they all yell what they were feeling and why they're happy she's alive and what they would do is she died.

"Tris, we've been friends since childhood, I can't let you go, you're like a sister to me." The gang nods in agreement. Tris gets checked out and we're all back home.


It's not the same though, Tris is traumatized when she sees blood. It's generally different, Tris is almost always with me.

She had gotten more timid, she's not the Tris I used to know. It scares me, did that event really impacted her that much?

Today after school when we're at Tris's house I say we need to talk. Tris looks nervous, like I'm gonna break up with her. "Tris, I love you but..." I starts to say.

"But it's not u it's me and..." "you're breaking up with me" she says. "No, I love you Tris but ever since the incident you're scared and more timid."

"It scares me, did that hospital trauma impact you,  you can talk to me." "I was scared when I passed out, when I was bleeding out, there was blood everywhere and I just didn't think I would live."

She bursts into tears, burying her head in my chest. "I'm sorry I'm different but I can't get those memories out of my head" she says. "I should've just died, I can't stay alive."

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