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Tris's POV

"My girlfriend tripped on the stairs and she's all bloody" that's all he can say while he's crying. My vision blurs and I just cry harder. I can barely hear him anymore and I pass out. "Tris!" I hear his echo.

Tobias's POV

"Tris!" I yell but she passes out. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, Tris just passed out. "Tris, Tris, Tris!" I say trying to wake her up. I start crying! It's been an hour and they haven't come yet!

I'm starting to panic, where the hell are they? Tris is gonna die because they r too FREAKN slow! "The hell are they?" I yell. I go to the bathroom and grab towels and soak them in water. I bring them out and start soaking up the blood.

I try to heal her cuts and bruises quickly but I'm not a doctor, I can't do much. I go and get a glass of water for her but I can't get her awake to drink it. Where are they? "Tris, please, wake up baby, come on Tris" I say holding her in my arms.

I hear sirens outside and carefully set Tris down on the towels. I walk out and see millions of police cars, emergency vehicles everywhere! This is a lot of emergency vehicles. "Sir, we have to search your house" he says.

I start getting confused! "I called 911 hours ago because my girlfriend is hurt and I get people who want to search my house?" I yell. "I'm sorry sir but we have to search your house" they exclaim again.

"No! MY GIRLFRIEND IS HURT AND I AM NOT LETTING YOU JUST STAND THERE" I yell. "What the hell are you even searching for?" I ask and they look up at me. "You know exactly what we're looking for" they answer.

I roll my eyes and say "FINE BUT I AM DRIVING MY GIRLFRIEND TO THE HOSPITAL!" I yell. "No, you have to stay in the house sir" he says. I ignore him  and pick up Tris and bring her to the car. "I don't care" I yell as I run out to the car.

They don't follow me so I start the car and drive to the hospital. I don't know what their problem is. I finally get to the hospital and carry Tris in. "MY GIRLFRIEND TRIPPED ON TE STAIRS AND I CALLED THE COPS BUT THEY DID NOTHING!" I tell the lady.

"Ok, we'll get her to the infirmary" she tells me. "I'm coming" I tell the lady and she nods. "I have a patient here that just came in and needs to go to the infirmary" she says pressing another line.

Trucks come up into the driveway and all rush out. Everything is a blur, doctors are running everywhere. I hope she's gonna be ok!

Hey! Tell me if this is good! K bye

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