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A/N hey! Peeps! I've never done an "A/N" up here! Nore have I ever titled it! So I'm ending this book pretty soon! I know it escalated b/c it's not really high school any more but! Tell me if I should make a sequel! K! Enjoy

Tris's POV

"What?" I ask. "You've never squealed before" he says. I roll my eyes then say "shut up." "Ok, let's get home" he replies driving.

Tobias and I are engaged, wow.
I'm so happy right now, I wanna tell the whole world. Everyone's cars are in the driveway, good. I can't wait!

I bust open the door a little too excited. "Geez Tris, you're gonna break the door down" Christina says. "Everyone in the living room now" I yell.

They all rush in there, scared. "Are you ok Tris?" Uriah asks. "What's up?" Will asks. "Tris, you're scaring me" Marlene says.

I start jumping up and down.

A/N sorry this is right in the middle of the story! I changed it so he proposed to her!

I squeal again. Christina looks at me weird, "You've never squealed before, what's up?" she asks.

"Four proposed on the way here" I squeal. Everyone erupts in cheers. "Tris that's great!" they all crowd around me.

"Four, great job man" Uriah pats Tobias on the back. "Nice man" Zeke says. "Congrats!" Will smiles.

"We're all gonna go on an engagement dinner, it's like a party" I explain. The guys start yelling.

The girls are talking about my wedding gown and makeup, mainly Christina. I can't wait to marry the love of my life.

Out of all the chaos I go over to Tobias and kiss him. Instead of groaning the gang cheers. I pull away and cheer too.

"I love you" I say to Tobias. "I love you too" he replies linking his hand with mine.

"Woooo!" I yell.

Hey guys! A few more chapters till the end!

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