The Engagement Dinner!

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Tris's POV

Hey, just meet us at the restaurant, I love you -T

Ok, me and the guys are leaving rn, love you too! C u soon -F

K, bye! 😘

"They're leaving rn, so we're going to Sanchez" I tell the girls. "Oh, Sanchez, fancy Tris" she squeals.

She pulls out of the lot and drives. "Chris, you're gonna burn the tires" I yell. "We need to get there now" is her excuse.

We get there and Christina has been squealing for the past five minutes. "CHRISTINA LILLIAN BROWN, shut up" I yell.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited, you and Four are, eeeeeeeeeeeee" she squeals. "This is agony, I'm stuck in the car with you" I say sighing.

"I'm just so happy for you Tris" she replies. "I know, but you could be a little less eardrum shattering" I tell her. "Sorry, this is so exciting though" Chris replies.

"Get in there Tris" Christina says nudging me into Sanchez. I walk in and see Tobias. I blush and he walks over and says "Tris, you look magnificent" he compliments me.

"Thanks, and your tux looks...nice" I reply. He came up with magnificent for me and all I came up with was nice? Wow Tris, so flattering.

"I mean, handsome, you look very handsome" I laugh. "Why thank you" he says. He brings me over to the table and I sit down. "She's here, Tris!" Uriah exclaims.

"You look awesome" Uriah says to me. "Thanks, Uri" I answer. "Sick dress Tris" Zeke says and Will looks over. "It's very fitting Tris" Will compliments.

"Thanks guys, now what's on the menu, I'm hungry" I start. "Guys, this is weird, we're too formal, even though we've all known each other at least five years."

"You're right" Uriah exclaims. "So, Four, what would you do if Tris cheated on you?" Uriah asks. "What the..." I start. "You said it didn't have to be weird" he butts in.

"Fine" I huff. "Uh, she wouldn't" Tobias tells Uriah. "Ok, that's what you think, because all girls dump you for a while for a better dude" he says.

"Uriah, what the hell has gotten into you?" I ask. "Too personal?" he asks. I just sigh and look at the menu. The waitress comes around and asks "Are you guys here for any special occasion?"

"It's our engagement party/dinner" I answer. "Oh, who's the lucky guy?" she asks. "Him" I really holding up Tobias's hand. "Awesome, so do you guys want anything to drink?"

"Yea, can I get Bud Light?" Tobias asks. The waitress gives him a look. "Ok" she replies. Tobias just nods and sets his menu down.

"And for you?" she turns to me. "Can I also get Bud Light?" I ask. "Sure" she replies. The gang all order just beers too. "What do you want to do after this?" I ask Tobias.

" know" he says smirking. "What?" I ask pretending to be clueless. "Come on Tris, you know what" he replies. "Tris, what are you and Four doing after this?" Chris asks smirking.

"Uh, maybe watch a movie" I tell her. "Ok" she says sarcastically. "Sure you aren't gonna...?" she trails off. "Christina" I say smiling.

"Ok, I'll back off, only if you admit" she says. "Ok, fine, we are" I reply. "Now I know what you'll be doing" she says. Our drinks come and we order.

30 mins later...

We are finishing our food and are almost ready to go. Tobias throws the napkin on the table and puts his hands up. "I surrender" he yells.

I just laugh and ask "To the food?" He nods and replies "Yea, it won, now we can go and..." he tells me. "Ok, lets go" I reply.

We all walk out after we paid the bill, correction, Uriah paid the bill. "You guys go, Tris and I have some business to attend to" Tobias yells.

I smack him playfully. "What?" he asks looking at me. "That was a little too obvious" I state. "I know, what else would we be doing?" he asks.

We drive home and lets end it there.

Heyo! I'm on Spring Break-oh and I'm in Myrtle Beach! It's so humid, so hot compared to up north! And best of all...THERE IS PALM TREES!!!🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝

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