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Tris's POV

"Spill" Christina says as I say "Ok, ur gonna need to sit down" I say sighing. "So, after u started flirting with Kyle, Xander started flirting with me, asking me out and he pinned me against the lockers and I kept sass talking him and he called me stupid and worthless and stuff, then I really pissed him off and he flipped me, when I was knocked out, but still conscious and he stopped Xander and he brought me to the nurse and we kinda bonded there and he asked me out and kissed me then yea" I say outta breath. 

"Oh my gosh, Tris, u and ur school romance finally" Christina says in her peppy voice. "Yea, I can't wait for our date tonight" I say pecking Tobias. "I can't wait either, baby" he says. "AWWWWWWW, u guys r so cute" Chris says in her squeaky voice. "AWWWW, thx, Chris" I say hugging her. 

"Oh, I asked Kyle out" Christina says. "Oh, that's great, I'm guessing he said yes." "Yes, he said yes" she squeals as I say "When?" I say. "2nite at 9" she says blushing, "So cool, you've been wanting to ask him out." "IK, I finally did" she says as she looks at the clock. "We should probably get back, class starts in 10."

 "Oh, yea" I say looking at the clock as we all stand up. We drive to school and as we hop out people start crowding us. "Tris, Tris and Four" they say. I weave my way out and see Tobias to the left of me. I grab his arm as Chris follows us and we go to the next period. We walk in as the bell rings and we all sigh.

 "We actually made it to class on time today" I say to Tobias. He laughs then grins as the teacher says to sit down. "What was that crowd?" I say whispering to Tobias. "I guess word spreads quickly about our relationship" he says. I grin and say in a mocking tone "Oh, Tris Prior is dating an unpopular."

 He laughs as we pay attention to the teacher. Class is over and we have a 10min break. Tobias and I hang out at our lockers. "So, let's just start our date, when school is over" he says. I grin and nod as I say "Wait, Chris said she really wanted to get me ready." He sighs then says "Fine, 30mins then I'll pick u up." I nod then say "Of course, that's plenty of time." He grabs my hand then says "I love u" as I say "I love u too." 

People start coming up to us and saying "FourTris." I grin and Four and I exchange looks as I grab my books and we head out of the crowd, we start our way to our classes. "What was that?" I ask, he just looks over at me and says "Word has gotten around that, u, Tris, the popular finally picked a guy" he says mockingly then mumbles "If she doesn't leave me" I hear him say. 

"Four!" I say sternly as he looks at me then nods "Yea?" he asks as I say "Did I just hear you mumble, if she doesn't leave me?" I ask, he looks down as he nods. "Why the heck would you think that?" I ask hurt, "Well it's just because you're popular and I'm not" he replies. "Why would that matter and you know I love you and don't care if you're not popular, I frankly myself don't want to be popular" I say finishing.

 "I'm sorry, it's just..." he says trailing off. "Don't be, be honest with me, did you think I was gonna leave you?" I ask instantly as he nods. I just stand there in disbelief as I run off to my class, he has LA and I have French. I sit down and the bell rings, I wouldn't really care if I was late anyways but, I got here in time, finally. 

I fall asleep in the middle class, she's teaching us who to say phrases in French but I'm just so tired and stressed right now. I just want to be done with school, get out and go on a date with Four. I wake up to yelling, Mrs Vic. I just roll my eyes as she yells at me "Ms Prior, u don't fall asleep in my class, that is very unacceptable, u should know that by now you're in HS, young lady, principle's office now" she booms as I just casually drag myself out the door.

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