The Day After

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Tris's POV

I smack him playfully. "What?" he asks looking at me. "That was a little too obvious" I state. "I know, what else would we be doing?" he asks.

We drive home and lets end it there. We walk inside and Tobias grabs my immediately. "What's are you doing?" I ask.

He starts kissing me and I kiss back. I slip off his shirt as I'm still kissing him. We fall onto the couch. The rest of the night was a blur.

Days later...

I've been feeling sick these past days, more specifically after the engagement dinner. I went to the store today without Tobias asking questions.

I got a pregnancy test.
I peed on it.
Now I'm waiting.
Times up.

I'm so nervous my hands shake as I flip it over. I stop! This could change our lives forever. Is this too soon, just after we got engaged.

It's now or never.


"Tris!" I hear Tobias yell.


I place the test in the tub and run out. "Yea?" I ask walking around the corner. "Do you wanna go out to eat?" he asks. I need to finish my test.

"How bout in a few minutes, I need to go to the bathroom" I reply. "You were just in there, what is it Tris?" he asks following me.

I shut the door on his face and grab the test of out the tub. Come on you can do it, flip it over. Just flip it over Tris. I flip it over.


Positive, it's positive

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Positive, it's positive. I'm pregnant. I grab the test and hide it behind my back. I walk out to where Tobias is and gulp.

I walk up to him, he sees me and says "Are you ready?" he asks. "Sit back down" I tell him and he looks confused. "Tris..." he starts.

"Tobias, uh remember the night after our engagement party?" I ask. He nods and stays still. "Tris, are you ok?" he asks. "Yea I'm fine" I reply.

"Have you ever thought about kids?" I ask him. "Well it might be a little early but yea" he replies. I swallow harder and keep the tears in.

"Tris, seriously are you ok?" he asks again. "I need to show you something or tell you something" I reply. "Are you cheating on me?" he asks.

I stand there in shock. "Uh, no, why would I?" he stops me. "I'm sorry, I" he says. I take the stick from behind my back out. "Tobias...I'm pregnant" I say.

I hand him the stick and he stares at it. I can't read what he's feeling. "Tobias?" I ask hoping he's not mad. "Tris..." he starts still looking at it.

"This is...this is, great news" he replies.  I start crying as I hug him. "I love you" he says kissing my head. "I love you too" I tell him.

"Let's tell everyone, call them over" I state breaking from the hug. "Yea" he says dialing Uriah. I dial Christina. "Chris" I start.

"Man" Tobias says. "Come over" I tell Chris. "We have something to tell the whole gang" Tobias says. "Ok, we'll be there" Chris says hanging up.

We both hang up and smile. "I can't believe this is happening" I tell Tobias as he holds me. "Me neither" he replies.


"Can we get everyone's attention?" Tobias's voice booms.
Everyone quiets down and looks at us. I smile. Tobias looks ecstatic.

"I'm pregnant!" I yell.


They all cheer. "TRIS, that is awesome!" Christina says hugging me. "MAN!" Uriah yells fist bumping Tobias. "Bro!" Zeke says hugging Tobias.

"That's great!" the girls squeal. "Tris, you are so cut out to be a mom" Chris tells me and the girls agree. "Trissssss" Christina squeals.

Almost done!

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