Trinity version 2

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Tris's POV

"She's so precious" I tell Tobias stroking her hair. It's been a year since I've had Trinity. She was born on March 3, 2017. That's why her name is Trinity.

Third month on the third day, and it's also a really beautiful name. "Momma" she gurgles out. She claps her hands and smiles.

"Hi baby, want daddy, I'm gonna get your bottle" I tell her. I hand her to Tobias as I run into the kitchen. Tobias was so supportive of Trinity.

I felt he was more excited than I was. It's so sweet seeing him with Trinity. He didn't think he'd be a good dad, because of his dad.

Continuing beating him for being his son. It was horrible. I grab the milk and rush back in. I grab Trinity and sit down. I carefully fit the bottle in her mouth.

She sucks on it and giggles. Tobias looks down at her and smiles. "I'm so glad I'm not abusive like Marcus" he says sighing.

"I knew you wouldn't be" I tell him. "Well, thank you" he says to me. "I've always knew, you could never be like him, just because he is your father doesn't' mean you'll act like him" I explain.

"Thank you for believing in me" he says sitting down. He puts his arm behind me and kisses my cheek. "Dada" Trinity squeals.

He looks at her and strokes her cheek. We then hear pounding on the door. "I'll get that" Tobias says getting up. "OPEN UP!" The person yells.

Tobias's POV

I open up the door and see Uriah getting strangled by a very tall man. "What the hell Uriah?" I ask confused. "He uh attacked me and grabbed me and brought me here" he explains.

"What do you want?" I ask the slightly intimidating man. He drops Uriah and slams me against the doorframe. He walks into our house.

"What the fuck man?' I yell as Uriah gets up. We both run into the house. "Get out of my house!!!" I yell at him. "Get out!" I yell again.

"How bout no!" he says walking towards Tris. He hits her to the floor and grabs Trinity. "TRIS!" I yell rushing towards her. "Uriah!" I yell and he says "I got it man."

"Tobias, where's Trinity?" she asks. She's crying as I help her up. I pick up my phone and dial 911. I tell them where we are and what's happening.

"HEY!" I yell walking towards the guy. He turns around and says "She's useless" and throws Trinity. I catch her as she starts crying.

I hand her to Tris and bring them into our room. They come later and ask us questions and take him away.

A day later

I wake up to knocking. Oh no, is it gonna be another intruder? I get up and find out. I open the door and see the gang. "FOUR!" Chris squeals.

She pushes past me and runs to our bedroom. Everyone else follows her. I hear squeaking and laughing. "Hey Chris!" I hear Tris say.

"She's so cute" Christina says as I walk in. The gang are all huddled around Trinity. "You guys make some pretty cute kids" Shauna says to me.

I laugh and Tris blushes. I sit down next to Tris. "Lets go into the living room" I tell everyone. Tris picks up Trinity.

"Oh, can I carry her, we should go on a shopping trip for her, she'll look so cute" Christiana babbles on. Tris hands Trinity to her.

"Four and I have been talking and we think you should be her godmother" Tris tells her. Chris squeals and nods. "Of course" she says.

"ThankyouthankyouthankyouTris" her words are jumbled together. We walk into the living room. Chris sets Trinity down on her lap and sits down.

"So when can we go shopping?" she asks Tris. "Chris" Tris laughs. "I'm serious, you know I am" Christina says to Tris. "I know" Tris answers.

"Tomorrow, ok" Chris says. "Fine" Tris huffs. "If you guys are going baby shopping how bout the guys and I take Trinity to her first game?" Tobias asks.

"Sure" I reply as he smiles and kisses my cheek. "I want to go to the game too" Shauna says. "Nope, you're coming with Tris and I" Christina tells them.

They both sigh and sit down. "It was worth a try" Shauna says. "Trinity is gonna look adorable" Chris says. "Chris" Trinity babbles out.

Christina squeals and looks at her. "Awww, she's adorable, she said my name" Christina exclaims. "She's a fast learner" Tris says.

"She is literally the cutest thing" Christina tells me. I smile.

After the gang leave

Tris's POV

"We did good Tris" Tobias says sitting down next to me. "I know" I reply holding his hand. I put Trinity to bed a few minutes ago.

"I love you Tris" Tobias says rubbing my cheek with his thumb. He gets close to me and kisses me. I kiss back and he slowly lies me down.

I pull back slightly and whisper "I love you too Tobias Eaton" I reply putting my fingers through his curly brown hair. "You're beautiful Tris" he compliments.

I blush and reply "Thank you." "You deserve it" he says kissing my neck. We hear Trinity crying and Tobias stops. He gets up and says "I got her."

I sit up and watch him walk into the nursery. He's such a good dad. He is so sweet, gentle and caring. It's adorable. He doubted he'd be a good father.

I get up and walk into the nursery too. I see Tobias cradling Trinity in his arms. "Momma" Trinity giggles when she sees me.

"Hey" Tobias says patting a spot on the couch next to him. I sit down as Tobias gives Trinity her bottle. I lean against Tobias and sigh.

"I love you guys" I say falling asleep.

Hey ok! So that part when that guy was breaking in was the crappiest writing! I might make another version. K byeeeeee!!!!

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