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Tris's POV

"Thx guys" I say. "I love u Tobias" I say whispering as he hugs me. "I love u too, Tris." We decide to go to dinner to celebrate with the gang. They insisted they come, Christina, Marlene Shauna and I r going shopping after.

Will, Zeke Uriah r gonna drag Tobias shopping. He's a guy, I'm pretty sure he won't wanna shop, I mean it's still pretty early to go.

"Hey, we're leaving in 5" I yell out throughout the house. Mostly everyone went home to get changed but apparently Chris and Will r ready. They stayed here, Christina always packs clothes for her and Will.

She says she wants to be ready. I'm getting dressed in the bathroom because I wanted to surprise Tobias. He's in our bedroom getting dressed. We're going to an Italian place on the other side of town.

I'm wearing a tight, dark blue dress that hovers above the floor. Christina came in here earlier to do my makeup. She did glittery nude lipstick, mascara and winged eyeliner.

I actually look pretty, surprisingly, everyone else says I'm pretty. I jut don't see it though. I call Chris into the bathroom and she rushes in. She sees me in my dress as she squeals. "OMG, Tris, u look gorgeous" she says.

I grin then say "I do?" I say as she nods quickly. "Four is gonna love u, you're dazzling, but he already thinks that." She yells out to the guys to go into the living room.

I walk out of the bathroom then bedroom and see them in the living room. I walk through the door and Tobias smirks. I smile at him as I walk over, he looks at me up and down.

"Wow, you r gorgeous Tris, just breathtaking" he says. "Thank u, u don't look too bad yourself" I say. He laughs then takes my hand and whispers in my ear "You always look stunning."

"Well thank u" I say. We walk into the car and Will and Christina go into their own car. We're meeting the gang there. Tobias turns the car into gear and we're off.

I turn up the radio, Taylor and Zayn's new single is on, "I Don't Wanna Live Forever." "I love this song" I say listening to it. Tobias turns it up and I sing along.

"Cuz I don't wanna live forever"

"I just want u to keep calling my name till u come back home woah, woah!!"

"Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life"

"Cuz baby baby, I fell crazy"

"Up all night, all night"

"Wondering if u will come back home, woah, woah!"

"Till u come back home" (didn't get all lyrics in order, IK but it's just a quick snippet but I'm in love with that song so I had to feature it!!)

The song ends and I look over at Tobias. He breaks the silence by saying "What r u thinking about?" he asks. "I don't know, you" I answer as we pull up.

We get into the restaurant and say "We booked a table for 8, it's under Eaton" Tobias says. "Eaton?" the lady asks as she shakes her head. "Sorry, you're not on here" the lady says. "Damnit!" I hear Tobias mutter.

"Four" I hiss as he looks at me then says to the hostess "Excuse me." "Tris, I'm sorry, I booked this place I don't know why we aren't in the book." "I wanted tonight to be perfect and..." he say but I stop him.

"Hey, it's ok, maybe u put it under your name?" I ask him then he says "What name?" he asks then I answer "Four, of course" I say. He scratches the back of his neck. "Oh, whoops" he says shamefully.

We go back up to the lady and ask her if its under Four, table for eight. It was and we're sitting down with the gang. "Remember that time when u and Tris first met?" Uriah asks.

"Yea, I saved her from Xander hurting her" I say to her as she nods. "Yea" she answers then says "They flirted with me everyday because I was popular and it would be cool to play me." "I saved u!" he says butting in.

"I know and I love you" I say leaning in, he brushes my lips softly. He kisses me. "Uriah!" I hear Marlene hiss. I look up and see her making him shut up. "You guys just continue" she says casually.

"That's ok, Uriah kind of ruined it" I answer sarcastically. I glare at Uriah as he says "Sorry but..." he answers. I cut him off and say "Why is it weird, you have a girlfriend you show affection to also."

He looks down ashamed as I turn back to the table. "Sorry Uriah is being an @$$hole" Marlene says slapping Uriah. "Oh, Uriah is just being Uriah" I answer as Tobias chuckles. "Uriah stop being a nuisance, Tris and Four let us come to their dinner."

It's so funny that Marlene has to talk to Uriah like he is her child or younger than her. The waiter comes by and takes our order. Uriah gets chicken nuggets, it will be weird if he ever has kids with Marlene. "Tris, Tris" I hear Tobias say.

It snaps me back into reality. "Yea?" I ask turning to him, "Are you ok?" He asks. I nod then say "Yea, I'm fine" I reply. "What were u thinking about?" He asks, "Just random stuff" I answer. "After dinner do u wanna be alone?"

I nod then say "Yea, I wanna kiss you without Uriah gagging" I say loudly. I hear Uriah laugh sheepishly, "I wasn't that distracting" he says. "You were very distracting" I tell him as he looks down. "Where r u guys going to be alone?" Chris asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"In bed?" She asks smirking, "Really Christina?" I say. She starts making kissing noises, I just look down. We eat our food and tell Uriah he's paying the bill. We all rush out and leave him with the bill. "He had that coming, interrupting your kiss" Shauna scoffs.

"We r going to stay overnight at a hotel I picked out for Tris and I" Tobias says. "We won't tell Uriah" Marlene reassures. "Ok, thx, let's go Tris" Tobias says grabbing my hand. "Are we going now?" I ask him as we run down the streets.

"Yea, come on" he says pulling me towards a giant hotel. Once we're in I look around, it looks so expensive. "Wow Tobias, this looks expensive" I comment as he takes me up the stairs. "We're here and I made sure to get one bed" He says smirking.

I just laugh and say "Tobias Eaton are you trying to seduce me?" I ask smiling. "Well aren't u my fiancé?" He asks slyly. We tumble into bed and fall asleep, I can't remember what happened.

Hey ok so it has been TOO LONG since ive updated but i have been sidetracked and would've updated last night but I fell asleep after I typed the first word, HAHA!!!!! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, merry Christmas/ holiday/Kwanza/Hanukah/snow day/day/gift day/any other holiday u celebrate!!!!!

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