The morning after

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I just laugh and say "Tobias Eaton are you trying to seduce me?" I ask smiling. "Well aren't u my fiancé?" He asks slyly. We tumble into bed and fall asleep, I can't remember what happened.

I wake up and Tobias is right next to me. I look down and realize he's naked, I scream and tumble out of bed. My scream wakes him up because he says "Tris, r u ok?" he asks. He peers down at me and I gulp and say "Tobias, u do not have any clothes on" I point out.

He looks down and sheepishly grins then chuckles. He gets up and walks into the bathroom. I look down and realize I have pants on but just a bra. I look to my left and scream when I see a random guy lying on the floor. Tobias rushes in.

"Tris r u ok?" He asks as I point to the guy lying on the ground. "Who the hell is he?" Tobias asks pointing to the ground. Tobias picks me up and sets me on the bed. He walks over to the guy and kicks him, "Tobias what r u doing?" I hiss. "Well u might wanna get a shirt on" Tobias says.

"He shouldn't be in our room, I don't care, what is he even doing in here?" Tobias says. I have my shirt on, Tobias slaps the guy and the guy jumps up. "Who the hell r u?" Tobias asks confronting him, Tobias grabs him by the shirt. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Tobias yells.

"My name is Josh and I thought u ordered room service" he says shaking. Tobias drops him then says "You weren't trying to flirt with my fiancé last night?" Tobias asks. Josh looks at me then says "Oh, I didn't notice her" Josh says walking towards me. "What r u doing?" Tobias yells at him.

"GET AWAY FROM MY FIANCÉ!" Tobias yells. He throws Josh across the room and he's knocked out. I walk towards Tobias, "Are u ok?" I ask wrapping my arms around him. "Yea, its just...we just got engaged a day or so ago and I don't want anyone messing with you."

I smile then say "I love u" I say resting my head on his chest. "I love u too, Tris" he whispers in my ear. We drag Josh out of the room and tell his boss he was sleeping on the job. "What happened last night?" I ask Tobias as we sit in bed.

"Well...I don't know, I mean I was naked" he says looking down. "We ordered room service?" I ask as he shrugs. "I don't remember anything" he replies. "But I just had my bra on" I say as he looks at me. "What r we doing for our wedding?" I ask Tobias and that instantly puts a smile on his face.

"We need to finish college first" he says jokingly. "Ok" I say smirking, "What r we doing tonight?" I ask him. "Well...anything that doesn't involve Uriah" he says laughing. "He doesn't know how to put a sock in it."

"Well that's Uriah for ya" he says. We hear a knock on the door and I get up to open it. I swing open the door and Josh is standing right there. "What r u doing here?" I ask rolling my eyes. "Looking for you" he says trying to kiss me. I slap him then say "Did u not get the memo this morning, I have a fiancé" I say slamming the door.

I walk back into the bedroom, "Who was that?" Tobias asks. I sit back down on the bed and sigh. "That was uh, Josh" I say and I see anger spread through Tobias. He clenches his fists together and gets up. I follow him as he marches down to the front desk, he asks for Josh.

Josh walks out from the back room. I hope Tobias doesn't get us kicked out of the hotel but it's mainly Josh. He grabs Josh by the collar and pins him against a wall. "I SWEAR IF U EVER LAY A FU**ING FINGER ON MY FIANCÉ I WILL HUNT YOUR
@$$ DOWN AND BEAT THE $**T OUT OF U" Tobias yells.

Josh runs out of Tobias's grip and shakily walks back. "DON'T TELL ANYONE" Tobias yells to him. "What was that, Tobias you could get us kicked out" I say. "He was messing with you and needed to be put in his place." "Don't u think that was excessive, yelling swear words everywhere?" "That kid needs to learn he can't flirt with engaged girls."

"Tobias there are kids around" I yell walking away. "TRIS!TRIS" he yells but I don't stop, I just keep walking. He can check out and bring my stuff home by himself. I find a partly secluded spot in a park. I sit on a rock and cry, I don't know what's happening, I don't know what happened last night and Tobias is being an @$$hole.

My mom always says to write what youre thinking so she can't yell at me for using that kind of language, I was just writing what I was thinking and i was thinking @$$hole and stuff!!!HAHA!!! What do u think is gonna happen? Do u think its too early for them to get married??

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