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Tris's POV

We get home and see a car in the driveway. It's my dad's, oh no! We are in trouble! "Tobias, that's my dad's car" I tell him.

"We're in trouble" he says.

Tobias/Four's POV

Tris's Dad is abusive! I sure hope he doesn't hurt Tris b/c if he does then I will beat his
@$$! He better not touch Tris.

If he does I will send him straight to hell where he belongs. Tris tells me that's his car, I then say "We're in trouble."

I will do anything to keep Tris safe, protected. If her dad comes anywhere near her I will make sure he doesn't touch her.

I will not let her go into a room alone to talk with him. If she gets hurt I feel it will be my fault because she's my girlfriend and I care for her.

Tris's POV

The gang walks closely behind us as we walk in. My dad is in the kitchen looking at the pictures around the house.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him sounding confident. "Tris, you noticed, nice place" he compliments.

"Thx" I say bluntly. "Why so rude to your old man?" he asks coming towards me to hug me. Tobias stands in front of me.

"You're not touching her or I will break your legs and arms" Tobias threatens. "I just want to give my daughter I haven't seen in forever a hug."

"Ha, no" Tobias answers. "Ok" my dad says stepping back. Tobias moves away but puts his arm around me.

"I see your friend invited me here for a month" he explains. "Yea, now u can go back home, you saw me" I say.

"No, you aren't gonna get rid of me that easily Beatrice" he scolds. "Don't call me that" I really sternly.

"I can call you that, I'm your father" he says slyly. "No, you cannot call me that, you dick" I say.

"Beatrice I taught you better language than that" he says. "Get the hell out" I yell raising my voice.

"Beatrice, why don't you want me to stay?" he ask. "Because I hate you, that's why" I answer sarcastically.

"LEAVE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!" I yell. He doesn't move, "GET OUT!" Tobias tells him shoving him down.

He's gone into bodyguard mode. Every time he feels someone is gonna hurt me or if someone is sketchy, he turns to bodyguard mode.

"Is it bad I want to spend time
with my daughter?" he asks. "I don't want to spend time with you, and I don't want you in my life."

"Get out or I'll make you" Tobias says being hostile. "I'll be back" my dad says leaving. "That was your dad?" Uriah asks.

"He seems like a douchebag" Zeke and Christina say. "If he comes back tomorrow I will kill him" Tobias says growling.

We hear another knock and I sigh and get it. "No, I'm getting it" Tobias yells running past me. I let him open the door.

"Hey Tris" she says. My mouth drops, it's...


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