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Tobias's POV

"It should Tris" she says. Tris smiles! "Is that you're idea of fun Tris?" I retort smirking. "Do you want me?" I tease again. "I do" she teases back. I pull her in and kiss her.

She pulls back and says "Who wants to play Kiss Mary F?" Tris shouts. "Where, you can't get out of the hospital" I tell her. "We're doing it in here stupid" she says back. "Everyone sit down" Tobias says then looks at me.

"Except for Tris" he adds in and I roll my eyes then get out of bed. "I'm fine" I retort and he lets me sit on his lap. "Ok, Tris, kiss mary f , Eric Caleb and Peter" Christina asks smirking. "Kiss Caleb, f Peter and marry Eric, I'll get a divorce."

"Ok" Chris replied laughing, "Peter is gonna be aggressive." "Eric would be too violent" I answer. "Tris, I wanna make out with you though, and marry you, and kiss you" Tobias whines. I smile then say "I want you too, Four!"

"Ew!" Uriah shouts and it blasts our eardrums, thanks a lot Uriah. "Uriah" I groan as he smiles, "Love ya Tris." "I hate you" I joke and ask "Uriah Kiss Mary F, Kaylee..." he stops me. "I'm bored, I don't like this game" Uriah whines.

I roll my eyes then say "We just started playing this" I groan. "We should play everybody get out of the room so Four and I can be alone."

"Ok" Christiana replies winking at me. "God Christina, we are not gonna make out" I reply as I roll my eyes.

"Ok ok" Chris says slyly and I push her and everybody else out! "Now we're alone, what do you want to do?" Tobias asks smirking.

"What do you want to do number boy?" I tease and he smiles then leans in and says "This."

Had to cut this one short too because I needed to update! Longer chapter for all my books tonight before 12!

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