Chapter 14 - Drunken Nights

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Ashton's POV

The whole night consisted of Luke telling stories about London and us playing a game of truth or dare. Calum refused to join but Luke forced him so he had no choice.

I could say that June's now pretty drunk by the amount of alcohol she drank. Mali and I were a little tipsy and Luke's really drunk. However, Calum wasn't, because he didn't drink.

"Okay, Calum, truth or dare." I asked making them all look at Calum.

"Truth." He replied.

"Oh c'mon man! You always pick truth, do a dare! You're no fun." Luke whined like a baby obviously drunk.

"Hah. Do you really think he will do a dare? He won't ever let anyone tell him what to do." June spoke up which I was really surprised myself. I guess it's the alcohol speaking,

"June, you're drunk." I said while laughing.

"No, I'm not. I'm haven't even finished my glass." She was about to get her glass from the table when I beat her to it. "Ash, give me my glass."

"No, you're drunk already."

She slumped in her seat and the alcohol once again taking over her. "He called me stupid." Everyone looked at her confused at the words that came out from her mouth.

She turned to me, "Ashton, am I really stupid?" She pouted at me and continue talking, "He said that I'm really useless and that we're freeloaders." I was more than confused at what she was talking about when she turned to look at Calum.

He has a shocked look on his face, as if his biggest secret came out.

"Really? Calum?" Mali asked.

"What? No, it's not true, she's drunk." He defended himself, not wanting to look bad in front of his sister. I bet if Mali wasn't here, he would admit to it.

"Calum Hood, always looking down at people. Is he really like that? Huh!" June talked once again.

"Calum!" Mali once again scolded his brother.

"I even tried being your friend, but all you do is humiliate me! In front of everybody!" Nobody knew what to do so we're just left there watching the scene unfold.

"You think you're so great, but you're not.-" June started again but was interrupted by Calum, "I think we should go."

"No! There he goes again, as if he didn't do anything. Huh! Acting so innocent when he's the devil himself. I really hate him!" By this time, Luke was starting to sober up and so was I. Mali was still in shock at all of what June said.

I knew Calum didn't like her, but I didn't know that he was this mean to her. June must have suffered a lot ever since they moved in.

"I'm so sorry June, I didn't know Calum was like that. Oh my God." Mali apologized to June.

"No. No, you don't need to apologize, you're really good to me, Mali, Aunt Joy, Uncle David, they're all nice to me except Calum. You! You're the only one." June pointed at Calum, and he just smirked. What the hell?

"Is that all?" Calum asked and June quickly replied, "I hate you!"

"You hate me? You do? Really?" Calum said, still smirking knowing the fact that she could never hate her because of how much she likes her.

"Yes, I do. I really really hate you." June answered.

"That's not what you said in the letter." Calum said pertaining to the letter June gave to her during the first week of class.

"Letter? What letter?" Luke asked oblivious to the fact that June wrote Calum a love letter.

"You are the reason I wake up in the morning. And although you're not aware of my existence, you're the only one I see." Calum started to recite June's letter and I think that ticked her off because she has this shocked look on her face.

"I can only watch you from afar. You're so popular, yet I'm just a nobody. I may not be Cinderella but you are still my prince." Before Calum could continue, June threw a pillow at him.

"Stop! That's enough. You're so mean. I hate you." She threw pillows at Calum for every statement she made until she fell down. She must have drunk a lot.

"Calum! That wasn't very nice of you! Why would you do that to her?!" Mali exclaimed obviously furious knowing that Calum wasn't a nice guy when it comes to June.

"She's annoying the hell out of me!" Calum defended himself but there was still a concerned look on his face the moment he looked at June sprawled out on the floor.

"Bring her home." Mali told Calum. "What? Why me? I didn't bring my car!" He opposed.

"Because you live together." Mali made a 'duh' face. "Wait, you aren't going home?" He asked her.

"No, I have a hotel room about 5 miles from here." Calum groaned and put June on his back, much like a piggyback ride.

"Hey, you take care of June, okay? I don't trust you with her, just saying." I spoke up and Calum looked at me, "We're going."

"We'll go, too, you should rest now, Luke." Mali said, "Okay, take care, all of you. And Calum, bring June home safely, please." Although annoyed, Calum nodded and we all went outside the house.


June's POV

This pillow is so hard. Why the fuck is this so hard?

I opened my eyes to see I wasn't in my room, I was outside, and it's dark. I looked at the 'pillow,' the freaking pillow was walking. What the hell? How much did I drink?

Wait. Calum?

"You're awake." That voice got me out of my trance that I almost fell from his back. "What the fuck? You'll both make us fall."

I already did.

"Uh-I'm sorry" Calum continued walking but before I can speak, he beat me to it. "Aren't you worried?" I looked at him, well, technically, his back, but I looked at him confused as to what he was talking about. "Worried about what?"

"You know, about your future child." Future child?  Calum continued, "Your child will be starved to death because he can't get any from you." Starved? Get any what?

He chuckled and said, "God, this feels like carrying a guy, although lighter." That was when it hit me. I gasped and held my chest.

Did he just?

I hit him in the back and he laughed at loud. He laughed, he fucking laughed. That was the first time he laughed in front of me. It was a nice sound, even though it was because he made fun of my non-existent boobs

"You're really mean." I told him and I can feel that he's smirking even though I couldn't see it. He didn't talk after that and we, well, he just walked in silence. I held into him as if my life depended on it. As much as I wanted to ask him about what happened earlier, I decided to be quiet about it and just stay like this.

Well, it's not every day that THE Calum Hood gives you a piggyback ride. We stayed in silence until we got home.




Aww. A little Calum and June moment. Haha what's a good ship name? Jalum? Calune? Lol.


- Schy

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