Chapter 24 - You're Dating Who?

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June's POV

He moved out.

Why would he move out?

We were okay for the past week, little banters then and there but we argued less than before.

Worried as always, I texted Calum a couple of times, but I never got a reply. I even asked my dad, and his parents about it but they always dodge the question.

The next day, Michael and Mikhaela picked me up to go to school. I hope Calum would be there. I heard that they won the game last Saturday, so there's a possibility he would be at school.

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. – London Boy

What did Luke do that he's so sorry about?

The couple kept me occupied during the whole car ride, but Calum hasn't left my mind. We soon arrived in school.

Everybody's looking at us as if we're a lot more interesting than the recent win of the soccer varsity team. Then a sudden unusual view came into site.

The cheerleaders came to greet me asking if I was okay and they even gave me gifts.

That's weird.

The head cheerleader, Mina, came up to me, "Hey, June! I know we had a rough start, and the school year's about to end, I don't want us to end on the wrong note."


"Well, I would like us to be friends." She smiled at me with her perfectly white teeth, and of course, I smiled back, not wanting to be rude, "Okay."

She squealed and hugged me suddenly, I looked at my friends confused and they shrugged. "Okay, for starters, since we're friends, you should tell us how living with Calum is." There is it.

So they're using me. Wait, they already know that Calum and I live together? What happened in the last week?

I gave her a fake smile, "Maybe next time." They all nodded and squealed like a normal cheerleader would do and walked away. I looked at my friends to get explanation and they looked at each other.

Michael was the first one to talk, "Well, you see, uh, when you and Luke were not around, and Calum came back, I don't know how Eric knew, but the rumor spread rather fast. Calum was pissed, although he still eats lunch with us, he doesn't talk."

Maybe that's why he moved out?

"He has been out a lot lately; do you know what's in his mind?" Michael asked and I just shrugged. To diffuse the tension, Mikhaela then talked, "You're not going to really hang out with them, are you?" Mikhaela and I laughed at that and they we go to our lockers.

I was getting my things in my locker when someone tapped me from behind. My eyes widened at the sight, "LUKE!?" His usual glasses and fringe are all gone, he's back with his hair up and his infamous lip ring.

"What happened?"

"Well, everybody seems to already know that I'm Luke Hemmings, so why still hide, right?" He smirked at me and just like what happens to Calum, he already has girls swooning over him.

"Who are those from?" Luke pointed at the paper bags I was holding, "Cheerleaders, I guess they're trying to 'be friends' I don't know they're weird."

Luke laughed at that when Calum came into view. I pushed Luke to the side and tried to make my way to Calum, but was no use since he was already swarmed by girls.

I sighed and just went back to my locker. Luke looked at me confused and the bell rang for first period.

Lunch came and everything was different. Everyone was saying hi to me. What the hell is happening? This is really weird.

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