My Lunch part 3 (TerrorSnuckle - Smut)

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Grammar and spelling mistakes? Can you help me please? I would love to improve thank you <3

I want to say I'm sorry for taking so long but I just didn't have enough inspiration to write, but hey here it is, better late than never right? well I hope you enjoy and the next and last one will be Daithi de Calibre, sooo yep <3 I love you all thank you for everything <3


(You can play the song if you want to but is not necessary <3)


Brock POV:

I was walking through the woods, it was an early morning and the fog made a thin layer of clouds above the ground, I looked up so see the tall trees above my head I may be tall but mother nature is wise and she know why we are all here, even the most evil makes balance for the good. I saw my friend the eagle with her white head flying over the trees, I ran out of the forest to catch my old friend

"Good morning Brock" she said as she flapped her wings

"Good morning, how was your night?" I asked while she stopped in my horns

"Well you know, my kids didn't want to go to sleep"

"Children they are always the younger spirit of the forest"

"I can't believe you still don't have a wife, you are wise and strong" I looked up to her

"I love myself and I love everyone, from the tiny ant to the tall trees, from the weak bee, to the strongest buffalo" she flapped her wings as she began to kick up speed

"Mr. wise, shall we?" she flew away

" someone wanna race?" I began to pick some speed getting under the eagle's shadow

"You think you can beat me? You have hooves and I wings"

"you may fly with your wings, but I can fly with my spirit" I ran faster and soon I was ahead from my friend, I turned to see her smiling, I ran faster and faster with each step on the ground I could feel the air in my fur, I called my friends as I saw her at my side, we began to go faster but we had to stop in a hill

"What is this?" she said as she dropped in my horns again, I looked at the trees in the ground and humans all around the place with yellow and orange big things that killed the peace in the forest

"I have no idea, why are the humans killing the trees? They are life, they have been here for years way before me" I looked with horror at this act of humanity "I'll talk to them"

"No Brock, look they are humans, they don't understand our language, and remember that they always come with dogs" she tried to warn me

"I know but I'm the protector of this forest, mother nature put me in this place, and like my father before me I'll make them reason" I walked down hill to meet the humans, but my friend flew away, I understand she is afraid of them, they are taller than her but not me, I'm taller than them and they need to know that I'm the spirit of the forest

"Hey! Evan look at that!" one of the humans pointed at me with eyes wide open, I walked proudly

"That is a very beautiful deer Lui, get the boys out" the other human talked as the other ran away

"Good morning humans" I began to talk but the human only laughed at me 'they don't understand our language', I saw more humans walked out of the little shelter they had one of the walked with something large and shiny, I walked to it trying to see what it was but all the humans walked back

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