My eyes - H2OToonz

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I don't know, just enjoy...hopefully


Luke POV:

I was waiting outside his house as every morning, I looked down at the small note I made for him with small holes in it

"I'll see you later darling, have fun" I hid the note in my pocket as I saw him with his mother as they walked to me "Hey Luke, take care both of you" she gave me his hand and he wrapped his arms around mine, with my other arm I shook her hand

"Don't worry Luna, I'll take care of Jon as always" then I waved goodbye and walked with Jon by my side and as always the walk to college was silent but comfortable

---time skip---

I was helping Jon to read by guiding his hands over the pages with holes as words, I followed the riding out loud so he could understand better

"How is everything over here Luke?" asked the philosophy teacher

"Yes teacher, slow but he's understanding"

"How are you doing Jon, is everything okay?" Jon only nodded not even turning his head

---Time skip - lunch---

"Hey Jon! how are you man?" asked Lui, Jon only smiled and nodded a little as he kept looking down at his tray with food

"That's good, how are you Luke?"

"I'm fine" I took a bit of my sandwich and as I chew my food I took Jon's orange juice with a straw and put it inches away from his pink soft lips "juice Jon?" he then slowly grabbed the glass and began to suck 

"Look, it's the useless gay boy, has anyone abused you yet? you shit" three guys walked by and bumped into Jon pushing off the table, he only whimpered as the glass with orange spilled over him

"Hey! apologize you stupid asshole!" I screamed at the guys who only laughed and continued walking "Are you okay Jon?" I kneeled to him as other people helped, he hugged me and he cried on my neck "Shhh... I'm here, I'm here Jon don't worry" I felt his hot tears as they ran down my neck "Let's go home" I carried him and told the principal what happened and I carried him to my house since his two mothers were working

---time skip---

I looked at him as he was leaning on me with his eyes closed as I read him a book, but I interrupted the reading

"Jon, there's something I want to ask you" he opened his eyes and looked at me with his white eyes "I don't know how to say this, so I write it down on this note" I handed him the ripped paper as he slowly understood what the paper said, he turned to look at me as he gasped and hug me tight, I fell on my back with him over me, I only looked into his grey pupils and cupped his face "Jon, I've loved you for a long time and I don't care that you can't talk, I don't care that you're blind, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I'll always be with you, we'll go slow if you wish" he began to cry and sobbed as he opened his mouth but no words came out

"You don't have to say it Jon" he only leaned and our lips touched in a slow but passionate kiss "I love you Jon, I'll be here for you forever"


something I dreamed of, I hope you like it, it's short but I didn't feel like making it any longer.

I love you all people <3


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