Request - Hurt for you - H2OCat

862 39 2

For @deariminsane enjoy <3


Jon POV:

"Don't come home late again okay?" said Tyler as he fixed my hoodie

"I can't promise anything" I took his hand and kissed it

"Please, I want to have dinner with you and go to sleep with you by my side" he looked into my eyes



"I... I'll my love" I pulled him and kissed his sweet lips before I heard the honk of the car

"Jon! we're waiting for you!" they screamed from the car

"I have to go now, I love you" I ran outside and got in the car and they drive off as I looked back and saw Tyler walked back inside the house

"What took you so long?!" asked Evan as he fixed his jacket

"I was saying goodbye, Evan" I looked at him with anger

"What ever, that's why I don't have relationships he laughed

"They just take your time away for nothing" said Marcel "Anyways, we're almost there"

---time skip---

I walked to the big cristal doors and we all sat on the chairs ready to start the meating 

"Okay guys! let's get over with this, you all know why we are here" said Lui as he turned the tv on to show the lay out of the bank "This will be easy, Evan and Marcel you'll come from the back door and take out all the cameras and alarms. Me and Nogla will walk in and stay in the bathroom until you give us the signal, Jon and Brian you'll go through the front door with everything on-"

"But... in the front door are guards with rifles! you want to kill us?"

"You're faster than them-"

"I want to go with Evan on the back door-"

"No! I'm the leader and I say what will be done!"

"Well, I don't agree!" I smashed my fist on the table and stood up

"I'll not tolerate this attitude from you Jonathan!" he stood up too "Each day you have been getting more and more rebel, what's happening to you, Jon? you were the best"

"His boyfriend is at home" mocked Evan, I turned with anger and punched him in the face making him fall from the chair, Brian and Marcel pulled me back from my arms as Mini took care of Evan

"IS that true Jon?"


"What did I tell you about him?"

"I'll not leave him!"

"You must, is dangerous for us, if they discover you they'll have their way to get us all! Leave him!"


"You have no option!"

"Yes I do" I turned to him and took a deep breath "I quit"

"You can't quit this gang, remember, once you're in there's no going back" he growled

"I don't care! I qui-" I gasped as I was punched in the stomach

"You can't quit"

"I... quit" I gasped

"You want to quit? fine... Brian... Marcel... take him out" they pulled me into a room and the rest of the gang walked in

"This will hurt... just a little" they cracked their knuckles and walked towards me

---time skip---

Tyler POV:

I finished packing the food and put it in the fridge and sighed, it was night already and Jon didn't answer my phone calls, I put my pajamas and ready to go to sleep when I heard a long banging on the door, I got scared and walked down stairs when they bang harder on the door, I slowly walked to the door and looked through the hole of the door but nothing was there, I opened the door and a body fell towards me, I jumped back and looked at the body which was slowly breathing

"W-Who are you?" I asked and turned the man, I gasped when I saw it was Jon with blood all over his face and bruises everywhere "Jon! oh my god, what happened?" 

"T-Ty" he whispered, I ran to the bathroom and  grabbed the first aid kit and ran back to him

"Oh Jon, hold on I'll take care of you" I cleaned his blood and sew back his open wounds, when I finished I rested his head on my lap as I caressed his hair slowly

"Ty..." he whispered

"Jon what happened?"

"I... my job was too dangerous... and I quit... because it put you in danger" he said in a raspy voice

"Jon... you shouldn't-"

"I had too, you're everything I love... I would never put you in danger because of me" he opened his eyes to look into mine 

"You didn't have to Jon, I could go away and-"

"No... I can't stand all the nights I came back and you were alseep, I don't want that to happen again"

"I love you Jon" I whispered and leaned down to kiss him

"I love you too Ty... I really love you"


10 more requests and I'm done!

I love you people <3

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