Request - Right hand man - H2OCat

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For @TylerShamTatertot2, I finally finished it! I'm sorry it took so long, but I've been super busy with school, I hope you enjoy it darling <3

I love you all people <3


Jon POV:

"I told you, we're not getting more bombs! okay?" I screamed

"Jon, bombs are our only way into the vault" said Lui as he held a C4

"I'm the leader here! and I don't get told what to do! I won't allow you to get more bombs! they're noisy and leave a big mess, if we're sneaky we won't need them" I turned around and David came in with more C4s "Lui!"

"Jon, but what if the other gangs what to invade our hideout we'll need a way to protect ourselves"

"Lui, I won't discuss anymore, the final  decisions done, no more explo-" I turned my back to look at Evan my right-hand man but got interrupted

"Jon, think about it" said Tyler, I rolled my eyes and turned back around "The deep crew have been really aggressive recently and if the-"

"Don't interrupt the leader, Tyler!" screamed Evan as he walked next to me "Learn some respect!"

"Respect? yeah, says the one who buys twinks on the black market just for sex and then throws them away!"

"None of that is your busyness, Tyler!" Evan screamed and clench his fist

"You talk about respect when you clearly have no respect for no one" Tyler walked forward

"I'm the second in command! and you'll do as I please!" Evan walked forward

 "I won't do as you please, you're not the leader! you can't force me to do what you want!" both were inches apart and they stood still and Evan pushed Tyler back

"Respect me! I'm a higher rank thank you!" Tyler then pushed Evan

"I don't like you being a higher rank!" Evan grabbed Tyler by the neck and I pushed them apart

"Okay! okay! enough! I said this discussion was over, Lui!" I turned to Lui "Buy all the explosives you like, I don't care! Evan"

"Yes?" he turned to me

"Lay it off, go and get drunk or smoke from your bong, I don't care either!" I was pissed at everyone, Evan huffed and walked away

"And you Tyler" he looked at me "I want you in my office" I said in a low tone, so everyone knew I was serious about this shit "David, help Lui with the explosives" I turned around and went up the stairs and walked into my office, I plopped down on my chair and rubbed my face

"Jon?" I saw Tyler at the door and sighed

"Come in Tyler, I have to talk to you" I stood up and walked in front of my desk and leaned on it, Tyler slowly walked in front of me, I rubbed my temples

"Something wrong, Jon?"

"Just..." I sighed "Get me a drink" he nodded and went to my side desk and served us both a glass of whiskey "Thank you" I grabbed the glass and took sips from it

"You wanted to talk to me?" I looked at Tyler and sighed 

"Listen Tyler, sorry for what happened downstairs, Evan has been really stubborn and annoying these past months. I have been thinking on... taking the rank from Evan" Tyler kept looking at me as I sipped my drink

"But if Evan is not going to be the second in command then... you'll have to handle everything on your own" said Tyler in a worried tone 

"Yes, I know, but drugs and alcohol have been taking the best out of Evan" I turned to Tyler and put my glass down "Tyler, let's be honest, out of everyone in this gang, you are the one who always cares for others, you're always one step ahead but you're careful and you don't compromise the gang" Tyler looked at me with shocked eyes

"What do you mean Jon?" I sighed and stood straight 

"Tyler... I would like you to be my right-hand man, instead of Evan" Tyler's eyes wide open and he gasped

"Jon... I-I-"

"Do you accept this offer?"

"I-I don't know what to say I-I, I do!" he exclaimed, with a smiled from ear to ear

"I'm glad to have you as my second man, your office will be cleared from Evan's stuff tomorrow" I smiled as he turned and ran his hands through his hair

"This is almost unreal, it's like... a dream come true!" he giggled here and there, I giggled with him and finished my drink "Thank you so much!" he hugged me tight and I stumbled back

"Hey, it's okay, you deserve it Ty" I smiled

"I won't fail you Jon" he smiled as he looked at me in the eyes

"I'm sure you won-" I was interrupted when Tyler kissed suddenly my lips, I tried pushing him but I only tripped back and landed on the table, Tyler was on top of me and I was laid on the table with Tyler's lips over mine and just then I heard the door open

"Hey Jon, I got the info you asked me for, remember? I got most of the chemicals for-" I Tyler opened his eyes and looked at me with wide eyes and pulled away a little but still on top of me, both me and Tyler looked at my friend Luke who stood there on the door frame, he was holding a folder with papers which dropped as Luke looked at us with wide eyes

"Luke... this is not what it looks like, I promise" I blushed and he turned pale 'Oh boi' I thought to myself

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