Mr. Popular 2 - H2oVanoss

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still sick.... anyways


Jon was sitting on a branch of the tree that was outside of the college reading his book while he was eating his sandwich  

"Hey Jon!" he heard that familiar voice so he looked down to see his friend Luke with his blind right eye "Want to play with us?" he said lifting an American football ball 

"No thank you Luke!"

"Alright, see you after classes!" with that the two boys returned to their activities 

---time skip - after the break---

Jon walked to his classroom taking his seat at the end of the class at the corner next to the window, after a few minutes all the students walked in with the teacher 

"Hello students, please be seated" the teacher took some markers and wrote on the board "My name is Mark Edward Fischbach, but you can call me Mark, I'll be your video game programming teacher, now I'm aware that we have some new students, Mr. Denise and Mr. Thomson can you stand up please so the class can know you" the two boys stood up for some seconds "Thank you guys, now let's start with the summary of the semester"

---another time skip---

The bell rang and all the students picked their things and walked out, Jon walked to a bench and sat there waiting for Luke to get out of his classes 

"Hey you!" the boy looked up to see that weird guy from before 


"So... do you want to go on a date with me?" Jon rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses 

"I don't even know your name" he guy sat dow next to him and shook his hand

"Evan Fong, pleasure to meet you" Jon rolled his eyes snatch his hand back "Is that a yes?" 

"Hey Jon ready to go?" Evan turned to see a tall guy with his right eye blinded "Oh em... who are you?"

"I'm Evan, nice to meet you..."

"Luke Patterson" 

"Are you friends with Jon?"

"Yes, are you?-"

"NO! no we are not friends...yet, anyways, it was nice talking to you Evan" Jon picked up his backpack and took Luke by the arm "Let's go Luke" the two guys walked to the parking lot as Evan just walked to his car 

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