My Jolly Sailor - BrOhm, H2OToonz & TerrorSnuckle

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FIRST! this was inspired by this one:

So the drawing are mine BUT! I had to take a base because I suck at drawing humans soooo here's the credit to the base artists:

TADA! Also! people I know you want to see the requests and don't worry I'm still working on them I'm correcting things here and there, I'm entering school again this monday sooo that's a thing but don't worry I'll try to keep my updates frequent.

anyways I hope you enjoy <3

I love you all people



Luke POV:

"Really Brian? do you really think mermaids exist?" I rolled my eyes as he entered the car

"Dude the aquarium has a huge announcement about that, they say that they have captured the first mermaids in history"

"Did you have to bring your little brother?" asked Ryan

"Hey! I want to see the mermaids, they're beautiful"

"I don't know man, sometimes they treat the animals really bad" I said as I drove to the aquarium

"I don't think they'll mistreat the first mermaids in history" I rolled my eyes again

---time skip---

"three adults, one child" the girl on the other side of the counter gave me the tickets and I exchanged the money 

"Thank you, we hope you enjoy your visit" cheered the girl as he walked past the crystal doors

"Yay! let's go and see the mermaids!" screamed Lui 

"The mermaids are this way" we followed Brian as he follow the purple track on the floor to the biggest tank in the aquarium, there was a line of people and when we asked the guy in front of us he said he was there for almost an hour

"Let's come back when it's lunch time so there's less people" said Ryan and we walked to see other animals, until finally we went back and there was no one but there was a tape that said 'do not corss' "Well looks like we'll have to come another day" Brian gave a deep sigh

"Let's go" when we turned and walked Brian turned back "Wait, where's Lui?" we turned and looked for him

"There!" I pointed at the tape that Lui got under "Lui come back! you can't be there!" we ran to him but he ran faster, after a chase we saw Lui from the side as he looked into the tank 

"Lui.... never do that....again" panted Brian"Let's go"

"Merman" whispered Lui

"What?" asked Ryan

"Merman" we turned to see the tank but there was nothing aside from decoration 

"Lui there's nothing" said Brian

"Just look" he kept staring at the tank until we saw movement, a black and white tail was behind a rock "Look" Lui pointed at the top of the rock and we saw a mohawk and beautiful purple eyes, Brian got a bit closer to the glass and then the creature showed itself 

It was indeed a merman, the creature moved with grace and slowly to us, he looked at Lui, then to us but he stared at Brian for a long time, he pressed against his hand to the glass and slowly the merman put his hand with membranes over Brian's. He then swam into what looked like a cave, he then pulled out another merman, but he seemed like the sun made him uncomfortable and he tried to get back to the cave but the black and white merman pulled him to us

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