Son of a Demon - H2OToonz

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Sorry I haven't uploaded, I've been really busy with school and I've also been... feeling weird.

I love you all <3


Jon's POV:

I was sitting on the floor while I did my homework, even if it was Friday I was always a responsible boy, always good grades, I smiled and looked at my fingers

"I have 3 fingers... and I add 4... that makes 7!" I giggled and wrote down the answer, I turned to the window and the sun was setting, and as always I smiled and ran down the stairs as I heard wings flop and then heavy feet "Daddy!" I screamed as I saw the back door open

"How is my little teddy bear doing?" he giggled and pulled me up, I smiled as we spun around

"I'm fine, daddy! I finished my homework" he smiled and kissed my forehead

"That's my boy!" he put me down and I played with his tail "Hey, I got something for you" I smiled and he knelt as much as he could since he was really tall

"A present for me, daddy?" he nodded and he hid something behind his back

"Close your eyes" I closed my eyes and he put my hands together "Open them" when I opened my eyes he put a blue teddy bear in my hands

"Teddy Bear!" I yelled and hugged the bear "Thank you, daddy!" I hugged him tight and he hugged me with his arms and his bat-like wings 

"Anything for you" he carried me in his arms as he walked towards my room


"Yes?" he put me down and pulled out some new pajamas for me

"Todays is Valentines day" I asked as I took off my shirt to put on my pajamas

"Yes, something wrong?" daddy helped me dress and he pulled the covers off my bed

"I was wondering..." he covered me as I sat on the bed with teddy and daddy next to me "Who is my mommy?"

Luke POV:

My eyes widened at his question, I knew this day would come, but not this early

"Son..." I gulped and laid him down "Son you...I..." I had no idea how to explain such a situation like that "Daddy is tired from work, how about tomorrow before bed you ask daddy?"

"But I'm almost five, and I want to see my mama, everyone in my school has one, and they make fun of me because I don't have one" I sighed deeply and softly grabbed his hand

"Son... Jonathan, you're too young to understand, but you will when you grow up-"

"I'm a grown man dad!" I giggled and kissed his forehead "I what to know dad, I'm a good child" his lower lip trembled as his eyes began to water


"Please daddy, I won't ask for anything else" I sighed and looked down

"Everything started when you were born"


"Just look at him, he's beautiful" I said the woman  as he carried the baby towards the room of the couple "Honey, can you make dinner?"

"Well... baby, I was hoping to... you know, put the baby to sleep today" said the husband, but there was something off about him, I never liked that man and even as a demon I knew there was something wrong

"Sure honey" the wife smiled and handed the baby tot he-man and he walked upstairs 


"Ah!" I turned around to find Tyler behind me "Tyler, you ass! you scared me"

"What are you doing here? our Lord is looking for you"

"I know but-" I flew towards the window of the baby's room "There's-"

"What? you know you can't get involved with humans"

"I know but, there's something wrong about that man, I don't trust him"

"Whatever, we need to go, it's just a baby human, we're demons" Tyler walked away but I kept looking into the room "Luke!"

"I'm... coming" I looked how the man put the baby in the crib and then walked towards the door and closed it but he was still inside, he then locked the door and when he turned around back tot he baby, he had a psychopathic look

"You little monster" said the man and he covered the baby's mouth "Let's get started" my eyes began to glow red as I felt fear and rage run over my body

"Luke!" I growled and opened the window as I made myself visible to the humans

"What the fuck!" screamed the man as I stomped in the room, the baby began to cry hard and the man walked back

"Don't you dare touch that baby" I growled in a deep tone as I showed my horns, wings, and tail 

"What the fuck are you?!" I grabbed the man by his neck and lift him up

"I'm a demon, and I'm here to claim your soul" I opened my mouth and the man screamed in pain as I swallowed his soul

"Ah! James!" I heard the woman scream as she forced the door open, I turned towards her and dropped the now limp body, I felt bad but I couldn't let any witnesses 

"Luke!" Tyler jumped from the window and looked at me "Stop!" I grabbed the lady and cracked her neck, making sure her death was quick  "Why did you kill those humans?"

"I had to-"

"You'll be banned from hell! you won't be able to see us again, us your friends!"

"I know..." I turned towards the baby who was crying in terror from all the screaming of his parents "But... I'll be busy from now on" I carefully took the baby, making sure I didn't hurt him with my long, black claws. Tyler nodded and left "Shhh... hush, hush little one" I slowly rocked the baby as his sobbing stopped "There, there, I got you" the baby slowly opened his baby blue eyes and he giggled when he looked at me

"Ma" said the baby

"I'll take care of you, and I'll never let anything happen to you, no one will hurt you from now on" I pulled the baby closer to my face and he caressed my red skin "I'll protect you... Jonathan" I smiled and the baby giggled

"Ma...Ma...Ma" he repeated, I jumped out the window and flew to another town, since I couldn't go back to heel and even if I could, it would be too hot for the baby, he would melt in my hands

---End of flashback---

"So... my papa's are..." he looked at me with a puzzled look

"Listen... you're too young to understand but-" he hugged me tight and cried on my chest

"Thank you daddy" he sobbed

"Why?" I caressed his hair

"For protecting me and saving me" I felt tears in my eyes but I held them back

"I love you my little child"


I know it sucks but... I've been feeling weird this past weeks

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