*Thanks to all of you*

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Guys and gurls

I can't thank you enough for all the amazing support you gave me after the re-request, you're all so.... carrying and, it amazed me how much you care, like, no one has ever... worried for me so much, not even my on moma.

I just can't thank you enough guys, when I wrote that chapter I just swallowed my feeling as always and I didn't open wattpad the whole day like.... I was so stressed and today in the morning that I had my last final, I got to see one of my friends and she talked to me about all your wonderful comments and your amazing support and I couldn't hold it, guys I really thank you, the chapter is down never to come back, thanks you so much.

I just turned the results of the voting and... let me tell you that I'm still surprised that some people voted for the chapter to stay... but that's not the point here.

I don't know who those people were and I don't want to know, but... I feel like I owe you a lot guys, unfortunately, I took some pills for my anxiety which so happen to come back as I'm sleepy as hell, but I promise I'll make it all count <3

Now I know some of you are probably wondering why I get anxiety around the rape situation especially for those who didn't get to see the other situation with the other chapter (speaking of, that original chapter will stay because some people say it's good and not so.... you know what I'm saying) Well... here it goes, I feel like you guys deserve to know.

When I was... I don't know maybe 5 or 6 I changed schools and my father wasn't a very loving father lets just say, one day when I was at school I had a "friend" a guy I actually liked but he always abused me, he used to bite me to the point my cheeks, arms and legs were covered in blood. He also used to push me off the slide and so on.

So this day came up and he stabbed me with a pencil in the corner of my lip, the point of the pencil got stuck inside of my skin so I couldn't talk for weeks, and during those weeks he took advantage of that and he dragged me to the boys bathroom with some of his friends.....you can guess what happened later, I couldn't even talk, so I couldn't scream for help. 

A kind soul reported what happened to the principal and they called my parents, my mother was worried and almost changed me from school, but my father... he didn't agree. My father told me that day that everything was my fault because I "allowed him to do so" when I clearly didn't want to. I stood in that school and the guy who did that to me was there too, they just changed the classroom, which guess didn't help. I developed anxiety after that but everything went well until my parents divorced when I was 6 or 7, my father told me again everything was my fault.

Well.... I guess that's enough, I don't want to bore you with my life. that why I'm not comfortable with big groups of people, and that's why I can never look at people in the eyes.

Well that's enough I'll get back to the requests, again... thank you all a lot, I find relief when I read your comments and see that you enjoy my stories <3

I really love all of you people <3

P.S: Please, don't share this or anything, I want only the people who read this to know, because I trust you guys <3

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