Mr. Popular 8 - H2oVanoss

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I'm writing this form my phone, so any mistakes please tell me. I'm still sick and I hope you all have a great new year <3
Jon POV:
I changed my clothes and waited for Luke on the living room, I knew I was in trouble and I knew it was my fault that Ryan got a panic attack. He was probably going to stay in his room for a week or so
"Jonathan" I turned to look at Luke as he walked downstairs

"explain what happened" he sat next to me

"I went to a party and I took Ryan with me, I never thought there would be so many people"

"And why did you wanted to go?"

"I...I... Brock asked me-"

"Jonathan Patterson don't you dare lie to me" I looked at him scared

"I wanted to talk to Evan"

"Evan Fong? That guy who called you names?"

"Yes, but I wanted to give him a chance, I thought he was a nice guy. But then he pushed Ryan in the pool, and he wanted me to drink whisky"

"Jonathan, you know Ryan is hydroponic and has social anxiety AND you know how dangerous is to drink opened drinks for others, he could have drugged you, kidnapped or rape you, what would have happened?!" I lowered my head as I began to cry quietly "Jonathan" I looked at him and he was crying too " I could have lost you, what would I do without you or Ryan?" He hugged me as I cried on his shoulder and he cried on mine

"I'm sorry Luke, I'm sorry"

"Don't go out without me, okay?" I nodded and he cleaned my tears "now go to sleep, I'll try to calm Ryan-"

"I'll do it, this was my fault" I stood up and walked upstairs and knocked on the gray door with a bunny "Ryan?" I only heard sobbing "Ryan can I come in?" I tried to turn the knob bit the door was locked

"Stay out!"

"Ryan please, I'm sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't keep people from laughing at me!"


"Go away!"
Short? Hell yes but hey better late than never, I hope you have a wonderful new year!! I love you all people! See you next year!💖

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