Mr. Popular 10 - BrOhm

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Jon POV:

Ryan, Luke and I walked to school, like the old days, just us, when we got to the doors we separated, I walked to my class and sat there, I pulled my philosophy book and began to read until a shadow in front of me interrupted my reading

"What do you want Evan?" I asked 

"I just wanted to apologize, what I did to Ryan was not nice, I didn't know he was your brother. Jonathan I'm sorry"

"Well you can bring me the crown jewels but still I won't forget what you've done. and also, do you remember when I told you to never talk to me again?"


"Well I wasn't joking, now let me read" I opened my book again and continued to read but he snatched the book out of my hands

"Well if you won't talk to me then I'll take this"

"Hey, it's my book, give it back!" I tried to reach it but he was taller

"Jump higher!"

"Mr.Fong stop that" I looked at the teacher who just walked in "now sit down everyone"

---time skip---

Evan took my book and I looked for him on break, I saw him playing  with his friends football

"Evan!" he and his friends turned "Give me back my book!" he walked to me

"And what if I don't?"

"Evan please, we're in college, not in junior high to bully me around like that. can you grow up and just give me my book?"

"Na, it's funny to see you without your book"

"Evan please give me-" he pushed me and I fell on my butt

"I wonder what would happen if I burned it" he pulled out a lighter and my book out of his bag

"Don't you dare" I stood up but two of his friends held me by the arms, Brian and Tyler "Evan! don't do it! please!"

"Evan this is has gone too far" said Bryce but Evan pushed him

"This is what he gets for rejecting me" he then turned the lighter and slowly put it on the corner of the book, the corner slowly began to turn black as I struggled against his friends

"Evan! please!" I began to cry as the flame extended over the cover of the book "Please! Evan!"

"Say you're mine and go out with me" I stood quiet and he continued to burn the book. Finally he dropped the book just to turn into ashes as it hit the floor "Now look what this has come to" he grabbed my neck as I struggled to breathe

"Evan stop, you only said the book" warned Tyler

"No! I have to get things right"


"Shut up Brian!" both only watched

"You could have been a good boyfriend, you could have the best time of your life but you changed me for your family" he then took me to the back of the school as he pushed me against the wall, I felt how my breath left my lungs only to leave me gasping for air "I'm going to give you a lesson of who am I" he was about to kick me but he was pushed far from me, I looked up as I clenched my stomach 

"Don't you dare to touch my brother you bastard!" screamed Ryan who had his bunny hoodie off, his brown hair was a little messed up

"And what can you do? I'm stronger than you Ryan" Evan stood up and looked down at Ryan, he threw a punch but Ryan dodged it and punched Evan on the side "You little shit" Evan then punched Ryan on the cheek and he fell

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