Mr.Popular 6 - H2OVanoss

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Ohm/Ryan POV:

"We love you Jon" I said as we parted from the hug 

"Well I have to go to work guys, Ohm do your homework, Jon Take a nap, it'll help you" Luke stood up and walked to the door "I'll see you later guys"

"Bye Luke"

"Bye" he closed the door and I stood up

"I'll do my homework-"

"Wait Ryan"


"Well....would you... go with me to a party?" asked Jon scratching the back of his neck

"Why only me? why not Luke?"

"Because... I want to be free from him just for a day"

"When is this party?"

"In a few hours"

"But I have to do homework, and you never go to parties, why do you want to go all the sudden?"

"Because Brock invited me" I sighed and walked to the door

"Okay I'll go with you, but we won't stay for long AND... no alcohol, am I clear?"

"Yes bro, thank you!" he cheered, I walked to my room and opened my closet and selected my outfit

"I better get my shit together" I said to myself "Not today, not at the party"

---time skip---

"Are you ready?" asked Jon and I looked at the house with lights, loud music and people all around

"I think"

"Everything will be okay, if you want to go just find me and we'll go, okay?" I nodded and walked out of the car

I had my gray bunny hoodie with black jean and my glasses, Jon was wearing his blue hoodie with black tight jeans. I knocked and Brock opened, he was wearing a tight purple top with a short black skirt

"Jon! Ryan! you came, come in make yourself at home" We walked and I immediately got a chill down my spine when I saw all the people, I pulled my hoodie on as the ears covered my face

"Ryan we just arrived, just stay in places where there's not so many people, I'll go with Brock, call me when it's time" I nodded and walked to the yard, I lowered my head looking at the pool as I slowly made my way to a bench that was in the corner where no one could see me

Jon POV:

"There's Evan, next to the pool" I turned to see him with his friends all of them on swimming trunks "Go and talk to him" I stood there "Come on" he pulled me until we were in front of them "Hey Evan"

"Hey Brock- Jon... I didn't know you were coming, are you two friends?"

"Yes, we're friends since primary school, anyways Jon wanted to talk to you. Where's Brian?"

"He went for more beer" 

"Okay thank you" Brock left and I got nervous

"So... Jon, you wanted to talk?" he got a bit close and I only stood there "What's wrong? oh, is it because what happened at the school?" I looked up to see his brown eyes "Hey I'm so sorry for what happened there, I didn't know what to do, you screamed and I got scared, I'm sorry Jon. Can we start over?" 


"So, I'm Evan Fong but call me Vanoss is you like"

"Why Vanoss?"

"Well..." he took two shots from the guy who was walking with a tray "I have a youtube channel with that name" he handed me a shot, I took it but only looked at it "What? it's whiskey nothing more"

"I... I've never drink a drop of alcohol before"

"Aww sweet thing" I turned to see a very tall guy with blue eyes, I walked back until I bumped into Evan's fit body

"Tyler you scared Jon"

"So you are Jon? wait aren't you the brother of that guy... what was his name? oh Ryan?-"

"Na, how dare you? Ryan is a weird ass kid, have you seen him on the swings by himself? he is always talking to himself wearing that stupid ass hoodie"

"Speaking of the devil, he's over there" Tyler pointed to the corner where Ryan was moving his lips while he looked down 

"Be nice to him" I asked Tyler

"Don't worry" he then walked to Ryan was sat next to him, they talked for a few seconds and Tyler pulled him towards us but he tripped over his shoes "HA! you're so stupid Ryan" he laughed and caught everyone's attention as everyone laughed 

"That's not funny!" Evan screamed and everyone got quiet as he helped Ryan up

"This is funny" he pushed Ryan into the poor and everyone laughed ignoring the fact that Ryan screamed

"Ryan!" I ran and dove into the pool and helped him to get out, I pulled him out of the pool as he coughed hard "That was not funny Evan!"

"He,y we were playing-"

"He could have drowned!"

"Well that's his fault for being so stupid" chuckled Tyler

"He is my brother and he is not stupid, the only stupid thing here it's you and your group of assholes!"

"Jon calm down-" I turned to see Evan

"And you!... never EVER talk to me again!... come on Ryan, let's get out of here" we walked away through the silence of the party to the car

---time skip--- 

I had to drive because Ryan wouldn't stop shaking, I saw all the lights of the house off and we slowly walked inside and closed the door, but then the light of the living room turned

"Where were you?" asked Luke

"I...emm...Luke I-"

"Why are you all wet? and why is Ryan shaking and sobbing?" he walked to Ryan and hugged him "Jonathan Patterson?" I lowered my head and slowly looked at him "You have a lot to explain" and he walked with Ryan to his room



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