You'll be in my heart 2 - BrOhm

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This is the second part, read the first to know what will happen, AGAIN this is not a love story like you think but I couldn't let the idea go

I love you all people <3


Ryan POV:

It was late at night and I finished work but I still had to edit videos for the channel so I put my jacket on and walked home. When I arrived I took off my shoes and my jacket and plopped on the couch and closed my eyes

"Daddy!" I head Bryce scream and run down the stairs

"Hey Bryce" I said in a tired voice not opening my eyes  

"Daddy, it's late" he stood there next to me

"I know darling, but daddy still has work to do" I sat up and rubbed my head

"Daddy, how much do you make?" he asked, I opened my eyes to see that child I love

"30$ an hour, and youtube"

"How much fo you make on youtube?"

"Not much"

"So... how much do you make in a week?" I wasn't  in the mood and his questions were pissing me off

"Not much, I have to pay taxes and bills" I sighed

"Can I borrow 20$? please"

"Why would you need that money for?" I growled

"B-Because... I-I w-want-" I jumped from the couch and looked at him

"If you want that money for a candy or a toy then just forget the idea, I don't have enough for that! do you think life is easy?! I need to pay for food to keep the both of us alive! and you come asking for money for your stupid toy! SO NO! go to your room and get that idea out of your mind!" I screamed and pointed at his door, his eyes began to water and he clenched his shirt

"B-But d-daddy-" he sobbed loudly 

"To your room!" I screamed, he ran crying to his room and closed the door, I could still hear his sobs and whimpers from behind the door

---time skip---

"I was too rough on him, he's just a child" I took 20$ out of my pocket and walked to his room and knocked softly "Bryce?" O opened his door softly "Are you asleep Brycie?" I saw his small body curled under the bed sheets 

"No dad" I sat next to him and pulled the covers, he turned to me with his red eyes and red lines on his cheeks

"Here" I handed him the money "I'm sorry I was so harsh on you, I was too tired" he slowly took the money and looked at it

"Thank you dad!" he said with excitement and opened the drawer of his nightstand to pull more money as he counted the money

"Why do you need more money if you already had some?"

"Because... I didn't have enough" he took the money and put it in my hand "But now I have 30$, I wanted to buy an hour of your time" tears began to drop down my face "You're never home and I miss you so, I wonder if you could come home early tomorrow, I want to have lunch with you" I cried harder and hugged him tight

"I'm so sorry darling, I promised to be the best dad... but I haven't been able to be with you" I cried on his shoulder as he hugged me back

"I'm sorry to dad, I wish I could be a better son" he sobbed

"You're the best thing that has happened in my life Bryce" I kissed his forehead and hugged him again "Thank you Bryce"


I'm sorry, I couldn't let the idea go Xb I'm crying so hard right now but meh it was worth it <3

I love you all people <3

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