Request - Sweet blood - TerrorLadd - SMUT!

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For @AntisepticeyeStories I hope you enjoy <3


Mini POV:

"that will be... 3,500$" said the guy and the vampire who held my chain give the money Thank you for buying in 'Sweet blood supermarket' we hope you come back again" said the cashier

"Thank you sir, move slave" the vampire pulled my chains and I walked behind him, he pushed me inside a limo and I only looked down "Listen to me slave" I looked up when the vampire pulled my chin with his staff "You are not for me, you are for my son, you're his birthday present" I gulped at the thought, the younger vampires are the more they consume blood "You'll refer to him as sir or master, am I clear?" I nodded "You'll refer to me as overlord" I nodded "As soon as you're in his hands you'll do whatever he commands, understood?" I nodded "If you try to escape, if you try anything against your master of me you'll be sent to a farm of blood, clear?" I nodded

"Sir we're here" the overlord pulled my chains and walked me inside the grand mansion, he when pulled my underwear and chained me to the post of the bed in one of the rooms, I curled on the bed as he closed the door, I knew I had no option but to obey my master

Brian POV:

"Happy birthday Brian!" cheered my mom

"Thank you mama" I hugged her as she handed me a wrapped box

"Open it" I unwrapped the box and I found a black pet collar with a lock and the key

"Thank you ma, but... I still don't have my slave"

"Son" I turned to see my father as he walked to me "Happy birthday son" he hugged me and I hugged him back "My present is in your room, I'm sure you'll like it, you mother and I will go to the blood back and make sure everything is running fine since the last accident"

"Okay dad, I'll be here"

"Take care darling" cheered my mom

"sure ma, see you" they closed the door and walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of blood and walked to my room "He probably just bought me another hell hound like last year" I sighed and opened the door t my room, and when I walked in I saw a naked guy on my bed, I almost choked on the blood I was drinking, I walked closer to the guy and he crawled away as much as he could since he was chained "Hello?" he didn't respond just trembled "It's okay I'm not going to-" and then I saw it, his eyes, his smell... a human, I crawled close to him and he sobbed "Hey hey, no need to cry "Everything is okay, what are you doing here?"

"Your father bought me... for you... master" he whispered

"My father? oh... I see now" I took out the collar my mother gave me, he looked at me in fear as he eyes turned redder with the tears that rolled down his cheeks "Listen today is my birthday and... my mother gave me this collar, I didn't know why if I didn't have my own slave... but now I see, both had it planned" I finished my glass of blood and looked at him "Oh... sorry about that... I forgot... you... yeah" I put the glass away as he cried silently 



"W-What are y-you going to d-do with me?" he asked with a shaky voice 

"Hey, I'm not going to kill you or anything" I got closer to his neck and sniffed his blood, he whimpered when I let out a growl

"I'm sorry but... you smell really good" I continued to sniff him and I didn't notice I was now on top of him and my fangs came out

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