Request - I'll protect you - H2oVanoss - Fluff!

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For  @salsasyahwaliah, I hope you enjoy it, honey, I'm so sorry if it's not want you wanted, you're from the few people who wattpad deleted the chapter from and I couldn't find your request TnT sorry if it's not what you wanted.

I love you guys <3


Jon POV:

I was up in my room as I brushed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror when I finished my hair I did my makeup, while I panted my eyes I looked at my dresses behind me

"What should I wear?" I stood up and looked at all my dressed, as a prince my mother always ordered her servants to make every dress I want, I don't have servants since I'm 'young' but I wouldn't feel comfortable with servants, just when I was about to pick my dress I heard something hit my window, I turned and then I saw something hit my window again, I walked to my window and opened it and looked around 

"Jon!" I looked down and saw Evan in his armor, I always thought he looked hot in that armor 

"Evan! what are you doing here?" I leaned on the frame of the window even if I was naked, he smiled and looked up at me

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"Evan! what are you doing here?" I leaned on the frame of the window even if I was naked, he smiled and looked up at me

"Come on Jon, I've been waiting for you"

"Give me a second, I'll come down in a minute" he nodded and walked away, I walked back to my closet and chose my favorite dress and put in on when I finished fixing my dress and my high heels, I put on my crown and walked down the stone stairs 

"You again?" I heard my father

"Please your majesty, just for a few minutes" I heard Evan and I peeked from the frame of the wooden door

"I already told you, my son won't go out with you"

"Sir, I promise to keep him safe"

"You're a soldier, therefore you are my servant and you must do what I tell you"

"But sir-"

"I order you to stay away from my son!" I walked out of my hiding spot and got both of their attention 

"I'll go out with Evan father, I'll be back soon" I walked towards Evan but my father grabbed my arm

"I forbid it!"

"I'm 18 father! I'm old enough!"

"You're my son! and I won't allow my son to be with a soldier, you'll marry another prince" I gasped and tried to get out of his grasp but he held me tight "Prince Ryan from the Ohm kingdom will come for dinner, so you better get dressed better than that! he'll ask for your hand" my father took my hand and dragged me to my room

"Dad! please! I don't even know this guy-"

"King! and you'll behave like one! now change those rags!" he threw me in my room and I tripped and landed on my face on the floor, I turned around and my dad locked the door and I cried in pain and anger, I took off my dress and crown as I flopped on my bed and cried on my pillow

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