sweet love - OhmToonz

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Ryan POV:

"Ryan... please come out... you know I'll never be mad at you" said Luke again

"N-No... I k-know you h-hate me... I know you d-don't like me" I sobbed and cried in the bathroom as I still had at sweet taste in my mouth 

"Ryan... love... please... I don't want to force the door open" he begged and I couldn't do anything but open... I love him too much, I opened the door and stood there looking at the ground, he only hugged me as I cried "Shh... everything is okay... I'm here"

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't hold back" I sobbed and cried

"Shhh.. please stop crying my sweet pie" he clear the tears that rolled down my face as I looked at him "You're beautiful... I don't like to see you cry"

"But I'm so disgusting... look at me! I'm a ball of...of..." he then kissed me and looked into my eyes

"I won't let you finish that sentence, you're beautiful the way you are-"

"But I ate all the cake that was left... I'm so-" he kissed me again as his arms wrapped around my waist  but I kept crying

"Ryan... look at me" I slowly opened my eyes as he looked down at me "I don't care what people say, I and I'll always love you"

"But... just look at me... I'm so fat... just... go with Bryce or Jon... they are well fit and slender... I'm just... a fat-" he kissed me again and looked into my eyes again

"Ryan I don't care for them! I love you because who you are... you're perfect to me in every way, I love your eyes, your laugh and your body. I don't care if you're not fit, I love you... and no one will change that" I cried even more at his words, he delicately pulled my chin up and cleaned my face "How about we get some ice cream?" I gasped and nodded

"Yes please!" he hugged my waist as we walked out the door

"I love you my plus size bunny" he kissed my cheek before he opened the door of the car for me


just something I thought it would be nice writing, I hope you enjoyed.

BTW thanks for the two girls who came to the stream <3 I love you both, thanks for being there in my first stream ever <3

anyways, I love you all people <3

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