*Another Tagg*

450 17 10

Tagged by @shoulderfriend03 

1- do you like someone? Nop

2- Do they like me?   My friends?..... I hope

3- Middle name? Mine? Naaaa

4- Single or taken? Single....obviously

5- Last person I texted? My friends over a group chat

6- Last song I listened to? 

7- battery percentage? 16%

8- Best girl friend? All my friends are my best friends

9- Best boy friend? All my friends are my best friends

10- favorite OTP? All of them are great, I don't like to choose favorites

11- Why I made my account? Originally the plan was to only read buuuutt.... I ended being a writer and reader 

12- current lock screen? 

12- current lock screen? 

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13- Birthday? 20 October 

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13- Birthday? 20 October 

I won't tagg people for obvious reasons 

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